Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Did You Speak the Name of Jesus?

Did you speak the name of Jesus
To someone you met today?
Showing, telling of salvation
And the straight and narrow way?

Did you show the love of Jesus
To each stranger and your friends?
Did your actions show the Savior
Reflect His love that never end?

Did you think the thoughts of Jesus
As you strove to live for Him?
Did you care enough to warn them
Of the costly price of sin?

Did you see the need for Jesus
Did you tell them of His grace?
Or was your talk of hay and stubble
On the throne in Jesus’ place?

Did you speak the name of Jesus
To the souls who do not know?
Have you laid down on the alter
Told your Savior you will go?

“Lord, I’ll praise the name of Jesus
Every day where e’er I be.
Prompt me Lord, and give me courage,
Lord, to proclaim Calvary!”
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 24, 2005
All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

How Great Thy Power!

How great thy power, Sovereign Lord,
How great Thy majesty!
Thy thoughts how great the sum of them
That thou wouldst die for me!
How great thy wisdom, strength and power
I shall not, WILL not fear.
Because I know that thou art Lord
And thou art ever near!

How broad thy wisdom, Sovereign Lord,
Yea, all the world is thine!
Mine eye doth see the wonders in
Thy intricate designs!
Thou knowest all, thou Lord of hosts
My thoughts, my hope, desire.
Lord, grant to me one prayer today,
“Lord, set my heart on fire!”

How great thy faithfulness, O Lord
The universe – thine own.
Thou carest for the little things
And ruleth from Thy throne!
Thy faithfulness is unto me
You freed my soul from sin!
Thy promises come back to say
“I love thee, yes, Amen!”
Based on Ps. 22
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 21, 2005
All rights reserved.