Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lonely No Longer

I once walked alone, down roads of this world
I knew not of Christ and His word.
But praise be to Him
He took all my sin
And He filled my heart with His joy.

Lonely, lonely no longer,
For Jesus walks close to my side.
Faithful to the end
My heavenly friend
And He fills my heart with His joy.

I still sought the praise of those that I knew
But friends that are faithful are few.
Yet Jesus was there
I knew that He cared
And He filled my heart with His joy.

I’ve chosen to joy in all of my life
For I have a friend – Jesus Christ.
Though foes may assail
And though friends may fail
Still He fills my heart with His joy.

Opt. Tune: Calvary Covers it All

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 26, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

He My Mountain

I flee as a bird to my Mountain
I put all my trust in my God.
In low lands the Devil would snare me
To wander and sink in sin’s sod.
But Jesus so lovingly draws me
To places of safety and calm.
In places of rest and assurance
My soul finds an infinite balm.

I flee as a bird to my Mountain
With Jesus how shall my soul fear?
Though Satan would boast the world’s pleasures
The vict’ry is mine with Christ near.
Though others would mock and would try me
I seek my acceptance from Him
Who bought me and freed me on Calv’ry:
My Rock and My Mountain. Amen!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 24, 2006
All rights reserved.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Need Jesus

I need Jesus more each day
For my heart would go astray.
That I might all sin abhor
I need Jesus more and more.

Jesus, teach me day by day.
Lead me in Thy Truth and Way.
Vict’ry was at Calv’ry won.
I need Jesus Christ the Son.

I need Jesus, ev’ry hour;
He my Overcoming Power.
With Him I can reach the goal.
I need Jesus in my soul.

I need Jesus through the mire
He alone fills each desire.
Quietly I hear Him call:
“I will be thine All in All.”

I need Jesus ev’ry mile
May I walk beneath His smile,
His approval, not of men.
I need Jesus, still, again.

I need Jesus He my King
Of His worthy name I sing.
And this song of prayer I raise
I need Jesus all my days.”

Opt. tune: Simply Trusting
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 23, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Rejoicing in Jesus!

Rejoicing in Jesus!

A close friend moves out of state. You get sick on Christmas. A friend has a miscarriage. You have a bad day where EVERYTHING goes wrong. The kitchen sink is so full of dishes that it is overflowing. And to top it all off, you have three Geometry lessons calling your name.

Although the above scenarios are quite varied in their difficulty, they normally all produce the same response from each one of us. A complaining spirit, a sigh and perhaps even a root of bitterness. If we are wise we turn to the Lord, and he whispers to us a single word: “rejoice.”

Rejoice?! We say. “Lord, I can’t rejoice in…” And yet our loving Father stays firm in His command. “Rejoice.”

How can we rejoice in all, obeying our Lord’s command to “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice”? Let me exhort you, my friend, it is possible, by God’s grace. The Lord has been teaching me and leading me in this path of rejoicing, and though I am still learning, I feel as if He would have me pass on the wonderful truths and joys I have found in rejoicing in Jesus.

One day right after my two closest friends had moved away, I got into a conversation with my friend, Mrs. Booth, about it at church. I was discouraged and lonely, yet Mrs. Booth encouraged me to JOY in my Savoir, even though I did not know what He was trying to teach me. Little did I know, that one of the main things that God was trying to teach me was … REJOICING!

Through the past few years, one of the main things I have struggled with is how I could rejoice when I was sad. After a while, I decided to study the words: joy, happiness, rejoicing, etc. as they are used in the Psalms. During this word study I discovered that in America and the English language, we use the words joy and happiness interchangeably, but incorrectly. Happiness is a state of the emotions, easily changed by circumstances and surroundings. Joy is knowing (a state of the mind and will) that God is in control and choosing to believe it. When I am not happy about something does not mean that I cannot rejoice in it, rather that is precisely when I must rejoice. Rejoicing is a choice, yet it is a command. (Philippians 4:4, I Thes. 5:16) Rejoicing is an act of the will, emotions can only follow.

How many times do we pour out all our complaints at the throne of our Heavenly Father, not pausing to listen to His reassuring promises to help us perform all that He commands? If we would only listen and rest in our Lord, we could find true joy. It is there, patiently waiting, but how many of us are wiling to make the effort to reach out and take it? An evangelist that once visited our church made a very true statement. He said: “There is always a way of escape and there is always sufficient grace. When we sin, we are not accessing that grace.” Think about that for a moment.

These principals may seem simple and unimportant to some, but if one person and failed to rejoice, Jesus would have come to ransom him. Someone wise once said: “My only contribution to the plan of salvation was the sin that required it.” Even though I may not be happy about all that has happened or all that is happening right now in my life, I choose to believe that his way is perfect (Ps. 18:30) and rest in the knowledge of His love. Even when I get lonely for my friends who moved away, or when everything seems to go wrong all in one day, I must choose to thank the Lord for EVERYTHING, and JOY in Him.

Satan has a very large stronghold in Christians when we have “bad days”. Jesus Christ has died for us, ransomed us, and is now in heaven, waiting for us. This is exciting, friends! Instead of focusing on the negative, on the things that are going wrong, focus on Jesus and all the rich blessings that He has bestowed upon us all as His children. As Mrs. Booth once told me, “When I am rejoicing in Jesus, I can “throw a party” in the trial.” When Satan tries to steal your joy with a “bad” day or you find yourself in the midst of a trial, rejoice in Him, brethren! “Throw a party” for your God is greater than ANY problem!

Even in the little things, such as washing dishes or working a geometry problem, we are given daily opportunities that our heavenly Father lays before us, to see if we will obey His words and commands, to test our love for Him. Even though it is hard to remember to rejoice at times, the peace that goes hand in hand with choosing to rejoice is well worth it. And He is there to give the strength to press on!

Throughout all our lives as Christians, we must remember two precious words: He knows. Sad? He knows. Lonely? He knows. Depressed? He knows. Multiple temptations? He knows. The future? HE KNOWS! Praise our dear Lord! We can rejoice in all our ways!

The next time you are struggling with anything, big or small, talk to the Lord about it, bringing all in your heart before Him, and purposing to rejoice in your situation. He knows! You may not feel any better about it, but you will know in your heart that you are obeying the Lord and rejoicing in His perfect dealings with you. And in this, there is true joy.

Monday, October 2, 2006

May You be First

May You always be first in my heart.
May I always for You set apart.
May I from sin and from evil depart.
Lord, may You be first.

May You always be first in my soul.
May I yield all of “me” to Your control.
O Lamb of God, whose blood made me whole,
Lord, may You be first.

May Thou always be first in my mind.
Thoughts that are pure, that are just, that are kind,
These thoughts, not evil ones, always be mine.
Lord, may Thou be first.

May You always be first in my life.
Though Satan would tempt me in the battle strife
May others know that I follow Christ.
Lord may You be first.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 2, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Teach Me to Cling

Teach me to cling, O Lord, to Thy word
That I might face trials resting assured
Lord, let the promise of sure vict’ry ring.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling, O Lord to Thy Son.
Help me remember the vict’ry is won
And that I do not have to feel failure’s sting.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling to Thy promise sweet
When Satan tempts me, I fall at Thy feet.
All my temptations teach me to bring.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling though Satan would pull.
May I of Christ’s precious likeness be full.
This be my message – Christ is my King!
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling, O Lord, this my plea
That I might give all the glory to Thee.
O Lord through my life this song I shall sing:
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 1, 2006
All rights reserved.

Leaving Me Behind

I planned out my future
And sought not Thy will.
And yet, I found mercy
In Thy eyes still.
You love, everlasting
Though I went astray.
But now, Lord, I leave me,
To follow Thy way.

I did what was right
In my sinful eyes.
And fell as a victim
To the Devil’s lies.
I sought not Thy face,
Sought only my own.
But now, Lord, I leave me
To serve you alone.

I did what I wanted
While farther apart
I moved from Thy Spirit
By my sinful heart.
But praise to Thy name
Thy mercy was mine!
So now, Lord, I leave me,
And myself behind.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 1, 2006
All rights reserved.