Jesus, reign; my life control
Continually Thy name extol.
Guard me from the Tempter’s power.
Keep me by Thy hand each hour,
Keep me by Thy hand each hour.
Jesus, reign; for I am weak.
Always, e’er, Thy strength I seek.
Though the enemy taunt and jeer,
I shall have no need to fear,
I shall have no need to fear.
Jesus, reign; my body, mind,
Soul, possessions, all are Thine.
Use them that the world may see
That Christ rules and lives in me.
That Christ rules and lives in me.
Jesus, reign; through life’s long day
O’er my spirit hold full sway.
‘Till in heav’n when life is past
I shall reign with Thee at last
I shall reign with Thee at last.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 24, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Take My Life and Let It Be
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Child of God and Free from Sin
A child of God and free from sin,
Redeemed by Calvary.
I died with Christ upon the cross
And through Him I am free.
Through Christ I am free;
Through Christ I am free.
Dead to sin, alive through Christ
As through Christ I am free.
A child of God and free from sin,
I bear this guilt no more
No condemnation I shall dread
Since I died with my Lord.
A child of God and free from sin,
Dominion, sin has not.
I walk in newness of live and heart
For with His blood I am bought.
Based on Romans 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Christ Liveth in Me
Redeemed by Calvary.
I died with Christ upon the cross
And through Him I am free.
Through Christ I am free;
Through Christ I am free.
Dead to sin, alive through Christ
As through Christ I am free.
A child of God and free from sin,
I bear this guilt no more
No condemnation I shall dread
Since I died with my Lord.
A child of God and free from sin,
Dominion, sin has not.
I walk in newness of live and heart
For with His blood I am bought.
Based on Romans 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Christ Liveth in Me
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rejoice in His Might
Ye children of light, rejoice in His might
He giveth us vict’ry o’er powers of night.
No one can defeat us, with Christ on our side
He giveth us strength as we in Him abide.
Children of Light
Joy in His might.
The vict’ry is ours through Calvary won!
Sing and Rejoice
Lift up your voice
Be strong through the power of Jesus the Son.
Ye children of light, the battle is His
The breastplate of righteousness our Jesus is.
Our peace and salvation, our truth and our joy.
With Christ as our Captain, no foe can annoy.
Ye children of light, yield not to the wiles
Of Satan, but count all things joy in you trials.
Resist the temptations, give Christ Satan’s lies.
Draw strength from Savior, your God, ever-wise.
Based on Eph. 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Saved by the Blood of the Crucified One
He giveth us vict’ry o’er powers of night.
No one can defeat us, with Christ on our side
He giveth us strength as we in Him abide.
Children of Light
Joy in His might.
The vict’ry is ours through Calvary won!
Sing and Rejoice
Lift up your voice
Be strong through the power of Jesus the Son.
Ye children of light, the battle is His
The breastplate of righteousness our Jesus is.
Our peace and salvation, our truth and our joy.
With Christ as our Captain, no foe can annoy.
Ye children of light, yield not to the wiles
Of Satan, but count all things joy in you trials.
Resist the temptations, give Christ Satan’s lies.
Draw strength from Savior, your God, ever-wise.
Based on Eph. 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Saved by the Blood of the Crucified One
Ye Shall Overcome the World
Saints of God, fresh courage take,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Born of God, through grace, by faith.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Fight bravely with the Sword
Depending on your Lord.
Eternal – your reward.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Joy in Christ, the battle’s His,
Ye shall overcome the world.
He your Help and Vict’ry is;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Ye fight not flesh and blood
But fight ye foes of God.
With His whole armor shod,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Rise up take your battle arms.
Ye shall overcome the world
Safe in Christ, by no man harmed
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand, therefore in His might
Defeating pow’rs of night.
Christ by you in the fight,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Sound the trumpet, n’er retreat!
Ye shall overcome the world
Satan and his host defeat;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Saints, on to higher ground
‘Till in His likeness found.
Loud still His promise sounds:
“Ye shall overcome the world!”
Though ye may be tempted sore
Ye shall overcome the world
Drawing strength from His rich store
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand firmly on His name.
Boldly His promise claim:
“Like as I overcame,
Ye shall overcome the world!”
Based on Rev. 2 and 3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Ye shall overcome the world.
Born of God, through grace, by faith.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Fight bravely with the Sword
Depending on your Lord.
Eternal – your reward.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Joy in Christ, the battle’s His,
Ye shall overcome the world.
He your Help and Vict’ry is;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Ye fight not flesh and blood
But fight ye foes of God.
With His whole armor shod,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Rise up take your battle arms.
Ye shall overcome the world
Safe in Christ, by no man harmed
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand, therefore in His might
Defeating pow’rs of night.
Christ by you in the fight,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Sound the trumpet, n’er retreat!
Ye shall overcome the world
Satan and his host defeat;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Saints, on to higher ground
‘Till in His likeness found.
Loud still His promise sounds:
“Ye shall overcome the world!”
Though ye may be tempted sore
Ye shall overcome the world
Drawing strength from His rich store
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand firmly on His name.
Boldly His promise claim:
“Like as I overcame,
Ye shall overcome the world!”
Based on Rev. 2 and 3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
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