Sunday, November 27, 2005

Living Christians

You may be a Bible Christian
By the way you dress and give.
However are showing
Christ by how you live?

Are you listening to Jesus
Accepting His command?
Are you measuring you life
By His loving, nail-scarred hands?

Is your life so full of Jesus
That it cannot help but spill
Upon all those around you?
Does the Lamb your life fulfill?

Are you living for the Sacoir
In pure righteousness and truth?
Are you living like the patriarchs
Moses, David, Noah, Ruth?

Christians! Rise us for thy Savior!
Living Christians may we be!
For we have the greatest story
Of the hope of Calvary!

Live you life to please you Jesus,
He will do the best for you.
Submit unto His keeping
For our Lord is ever true.

As you go through this life, striving,
To be loving, kind and good.
May I ask you just one question?
“Are you living as you should?”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, November 27, 2005
All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Christ Sits Worthy on His Throne

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He hath ransomed all His own.
He hath died on Calvary
To save and cleanse a wretch like me!

Worthy, worthy art Thou, O Lord!
All proclaim in one accord:
“Thou art worthy, thou alone.
Great and glorious, on Thy throne.”

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He hath called for all His own.
He holds all within His grasp.
Alpha, Omega – first and last!

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He hath risen for His own!
Through the ages, shout and sing
Praise to the Savior, King of Kings!

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He adored by all His own.
Knell before on bended knee
Praise Him for eternity!

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He hath fashioned all His own.
Rock of Ages, Great I AM,
Praises to Jesus, Calv’ry’s Lamb!

Christ sits worthy on His throne,
He hath guided all His own.
When at last I see His face
“Worthy the Lamb!” I’ll sing in praise.

Based on Rev. 5: 9-14
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 17, 2005
All rights reserved.
Tune: More, More About Jesus

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Did You Speak the Name of Jesus?

Did you speak the name of Jesus
To someone you met today?
Showing, telling of salvation
And the straight and narrow way?

Did you show the love of Jesus
To each stranger and your friends?
Did your actions show the Savior
Reflect His love that never end?

Did you think the thoughts of Jesus
As you strove to live for Him?
Did you care enough to warn them
Of the costly price of sin?

Did you see the need for Jesus
Did you tell them of His grace?
Or was your talk of hay and stubble
On the throne in Jesus’ place?

Did you speak the name of Jesus
To the souls who do not know?
Have you laid down on the alter
Told your Savior you will go?

“Lord, I’ll praise the name of Jesus
Every day where e’er I be.
Prompt me Lord, and give me courage,
Lord, to proclaim Calvary!”
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 24, 2005
All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

How Great Thy Power!

How great thy power, Sovereign Lord,
How great Thy majesty!
Thy thoughts how great the sum of them
That thou wouldst die for me!
How great thy wisdom, strength and power
I shall not, WILL not fear.
Because I know that thou art Lord
And thou art ever near!

How broad thy wisdom, Sovereign Lord,
Yea, all the world is thine!
Mine eye doth see the wonders in
Thy intricate designs!
Thou knowest all, thou Lord of hosts
My thoughts, my hope, desire.
Lord, grant to me one prayer today,
“Lord, set my heart on fire!”

How great thy faithfulness, O Lord
The universe – thine own.
Thou carest for the little things
And ruleth from Thy throne!
Thy faithfulness is unto me
You freed my soul from sin!
Thy promises come back to say
“I love thee, yes, Amen!”
Based on Ps. 22
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 21, 2005
All rights reserved.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Delighting in Thee

Delighting in Thee, precious Savior,
In thy love through Calv’ry shown.
Thy attributes, O how matchless
Thou art God, and thou alone!

Delighting in Thee, precious Savior,
In they strength and holy power.
Show to me thy heart, thy wisdom
And the fear of thee this hour.

Delighting in Thee, precious Savior,
In thy grace and majesty.
In thy greatness, why should thou Lord,
Die to save a wretch like me?

Delighting in Thee, precious Savior,
In Thy glory and Thy ways.
And I cry in adoration
“Lord, may Thou receive the praise!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 29, 2005
All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Pray Without Ceasing

Pray without ceasing, praising the Lord.
He hath provided thee salvation’s sword
Through His own death and His blood outpoured
This is God’s will concerning you.

Chorus: This is God’s will concerning you:
Pray without ceasing, rejoice in the Lord
Quench not the Spirit and prove all things
For this is the will of the Lord.

Pray without ceasing, turn from your sin.
All thy transgressions lay them on Him.
Believe on His spirit and He shalt come in.
This is God’s will concerning you.

Pray without ceasing, for seeds that are sown
Make thy petitions and prayers, Christian, known.
Boldly thy plea make before thy Lord’s throne
This is God’s will concerning you.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 28, 2005
All rights reserved.
Based on I Thessalonians 5: 16-21

Heal My Spirit

Heal my spirit heav’nly Father
From the painful scars of sin.
As I knell in deep contrition
And repentance, Lord come in.

Chorus: Heal my spirit Precious Savior
Come abide Lord, in my heart.
Here am I, Lord, come and help me
To surrender ev’ry part!

Heal my spirit, heav’nly Father
From the sorrows that I bear.
As I plead, Lord, for thy comfort
In the peaceful place of prayer.

Heal my spirit, Heav’nly Father
Lord, I listen for thy voice.
Free me from my sin and bondage
And in Thee, I shall rejoice!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 28, 2005
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rejoicing in Jesus

Rejoicing in Jesus my Savior and King
No matter what each day and hour may bring
“Hosanna to Jesus! Forever I’ll sing!
Rejoicing in Jesus my Lord.

Chorus: Rejoicing in Jesus
All will be worth while!
To rest in the presence of my Savior’s smile!
To hear Him in glory
Proclaim in accord.
“Well done child, come enter
The joy of thy Lord!”

Rejoicing in Jesus though darkness is near
Giving to Jesus each doubt and each fear
For He, when I call upon Him will hear
Rejoicing in Jesus, my Lord.

Rejoicing in Jesus in Sorrow and pain
Trusting in Him who’s forever the same
And that He will make the confusing way plain
Rejoicing in Jesus, my Lord.

Rejoicing in Jesus all temptations fail,
Though they all around me in terror assail
Through Jesus, my fortress, I shall prevail!
Rejoicing in Jesus, my Lord.

Rejoicing in Jesus through all of life’s path
Bearing His smile and His heart- lifting laugh.
This my desire, yea, all that I hath –
Rejoicing in Jesus, my Lord.

Meter: 11, 11, 11, 8
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 26, 2005
All rights reserved.
Based on Philippians 4:4

Thursday, June 30, 2005

My Dear Jesus

My Dear Jesus healing the dying
And forgave them all their sin.
Lifted me while sick and crying
To a Heavenly home with Him!

My Dear Jesus! Precious Jesus!
How He fills my soul with joy!
And the blessed name of Jesus
Through the ages shalt my tongue employ!

O, how great the Father’s mercy
To each child who wilt receive.
Grace and love He giveth freely
If upon Him we believe.

My Dear Jesus take my future
Humbly at thy feet I fall.
My life – use it for thy pleasure
Jesus, I surrender all!

Tune: “I Will Praise Him”
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, June 2005
For Joy, whose Godly example encouraged me to pen these words.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon

Who can deny a mighty hand
In these vast miles of stone?
This multicolored handiwork
Was carved by God alone!
The canyon walls in beauty rise
In shades of every hues.
Beneath an Arizona sky
The river courses through.
Some believe all this was carved
By years of sliding mud
But anyone who sees will know
It happened by a flood.
And one thing that we learn as this
Catastrophe is explored
This grand canyon bears His mark –
The glory of the Lord.

For Granddaddy and Grandmama, in remembrance of our trip to the canyon in the fall of 1999.
 Copyright Miriam Rainwater, June 28, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005

He Knoweth the Way

H e knoweth the way that I cannot see
How rich are the ways of the Lord!
How full is His grace and His mercy;
How bounteous His blessings outpoured!

He knows! He knows!
He knoweth the way that I take!
He knows! He knows!
He knoweth the way that I take!

He knoweth the way through the waters,
His blessings abound unto men.
His promise, “For I will be with thee”
His love hath the victr’y o’er sin!

He knoweth the way when the shadows
Hide thee from His shining pure light.
He sendeth a guide for to help thee,
Hosanna! Thy home is in sight!

He knoweth the way through the sunshine
He lovingly walketh beside.
He knoweth that when He hath warmed thee,
His gold, thou shalt come forth refined!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 19, 2005
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Redeemed
From Job 23:10

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

I Will Ever Trust My Jesus!

I will ever trust my Jesus
Through the sunshine and the rain.
For I know that in His timing
He shall make His doings plain.

I will ever trust my Jesus!
Give Him will and Heart and hand
For I know whate’er befall me
It is in His perfect plan.

I will ever trust my Jesus
Through the lonely day and night.
Feel His strength made strong in weakness
Rise in courage to the fight!

I will ever trust my Jesus
Ever more His praises tell!
Hear the whispered cry from heaven
“Trust my heart for all is well!”

I will ever trust my Jesus
When I’m burdened down with care
I will cry out to my Savior
In the quiet place of prayer.

I will ever trust my Jesus
He a faithful friend will be.
Full surrender, whole commitment
My dear Jesus, unto thee!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 4, 2005
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

We Will Remember!

We will remember Thy holy name.
Thy love and mercy, O Lord proclaim!
Thy name, how wondrous, precious to me!
Thy love and mighty hand setteth free!

We will remember Thy mighty voice
Though others mock thee – Thou art our choice!
Make me a witness, Lord, of thy way.
Thy law and judgments, Lord to obey.

We will remember Thy saving love.
O that another might look above!
Victor of Calv’ry, Thy blood outpoured.
We will remember – Thou art the Lord!

Based on Psalm 20: 5-9
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 19, 2005
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

He Shall Sustain Thee

He shall sustain thee when thou walkest
Over the mountains, rigged and steep.
Strong is His promise, “I will be with thee,”
Christ from temptation, thy weary soul keep.

God shall sustain thee
Thou shalt prevail!
In all, thou knowest,
He doth things well!

He shall sustain thee when thou failest
His hand shall guide Thee when thou doth fall!
Draw near to Jesus, His hand supplying,
All that thou needest ‘till Christ is thine all.

He shall sustain thee in thy sorrow,
In peace and blessings, in ev’ry joy.
Through days of blessings through ev’ry trial
Sweet songs of Jesus, my tongue shall employ!

He shall sustain thee in the sunshine
He shall sustain thee all through the storm!
All through the darkness, Jesus shall guide thee,
Until the dawning light of the new morn!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 6, 2005
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Precious Souls

Precious souls that seek redemption
God in mercy shall redeem!
Who will tell them of salvation
And of Calv’ry’s cleansing stream?

Precious souls that long for Jesus.
Will you tell them of His love?
Let me witness, precious Savior
That a soul might look above!

Precious souls that seek the Savior,
That are wand’ring in the night.
Christ will welcome unto glory
He shall make their darkness bright!

Precious souls that seek a purpose
A new purpose, God doth give.
Christ hath changed my life and future
Unto Him I wholly live!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 5, 2005
All rights reserved.
From Psalm 49: 8

Monday, March 28, 2005

Give Me a Life

Give me a song to sing for You--
A song of endless love,
A song of Jesus Christ who died
To rise and reign above.
Give me Your joy to spread for You,
Your peace and hope to give--
The story of how Jesus died
That those who die might live.

Give me a love that shines for You
That all the world might know
How Jesus came and pardoned me
And washed me white as snow.
Give me a friend to point to You
In joy or under stress,
To point them toward the easy yoke
Into Your place of rest.

Give me a soul to reach for You
To witness of Your hand,
To tell of Christ and Calvary
And of Salvation’s plan.
Give me a task to do for You.
Lord, this my earnest plea:
Lord, let me point some soul today
To Christ of Calvary!

Give me Your grace to follow You
In pastures green and sweet,
In valleys when the storms arise,
On mountains rough and steep.
Give me a heart to learn of You.
Lord, make me humble, meek.
That all I say might honor You
‘Till You are all I seek.

Give me a life to live for You.
The glory – Yours alone.
That I might true and faithful be
Until You call me home!
Give me desire deep within
To answer to Your call.
Give me a faith to give to You
My heart, my life, my all.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2005
All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Clock of Eternity

The clock’s undaunted rhythm measures time;
How fast the precious moments ever fleet!
The clanging of another hour’s chime
Tells of three thousand souls that ever sleep.

O, but if only one had cared to tell
Those souls of how a Savior died in love!
Instead, for those who morn and cry in hell,
In victr’y they might live with God above.

The clock’s undaunted rhythm carries on;
The seconds and the minutes know not rest.
O Christian, will you tell of Christ the Son?
Procrastination never more molest!

As time continues, I will shout, proclaim
To all the world Christ’s holy, saving name!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 10, 2005
All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Christ Alone!

Once I stood with head uplifted;
I could do it, God would see.
Then one day I feel and stumbled
All because my heart said, “ME

Once I mocked and scorned the Savior;
I could run my life.
Jesus Christ could help on Sunday
While my heart said, “I and Christ.”

Once I gave the Lord a corner;
He could help me, by and by.
He could mold me with permission
Because my heart said, “Christ and I.”

Now I kneel before the Savior;
“Christ, take ALL; it is Your own.
Fashion me, O Lord of mercy,
Till my heart says “CHRIST ALONE!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 27, 2005
All rights reserved.

Monday, February 14, 2005

God Has Ways

God has ways beyond our knowing,
Each is in His perfect plan.
Through the shadows and the sunshine,
He will guide me with His hand.

God has ways beyond our knowing,
Yet my Lord is faithful, true.
Nothing comes across my pathway
But the Lord hath thought it through.

God has ways beyond our knowing,
O, for grace to trust Him more!
We can never understand the
Whole of what He has in store.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 14, 2005
All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

All in Jesus!

Once I lived in wreckless sinning,
Once I had no hope, no plan.
‘Till one day the Savior whispered,
“Child reach up and take my hand.
I will lead you through the trouble,
From your sin I’ll set you free!”
From that blessed moment onward,
I was washed by Calvary!

Jesus came and gave me purpose,
Led me through the scorching fire.
Yet in Jesus, I was unharmed.
Found in Him my one desire.
Strength in weakness, help in trouble,
Water for a thirsty soul!
But to find my all in Jesus,
Christ the Lamb who made me whole!

Now I find my all in Jesus!
He’s my Savior and my King!
With the ransomed souls in glory,
Soon I’ll lift my voice and sing!
Fill me with Thy love and passion,
As I answer Thy strong call.
O, that I might one day witness,
Lord, that Thou hast been my All!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 13, 2005
All rights reserved.

O, How Sweet!

O how sweet the Voice of Jesus!
How it floods my soul with joy.
Trusting, knowing that it’s meaning,
Won’t return unto Him void!
O how sweet the words of Jesus!
Balms of mercy flood my soul.
Streams of joy, my heart is filling,
By His grace, I now stand whole!

O, how sweet is time with Jesus!
Digging deeper in His word.
Every need, Christ now supplying,
As I cry out to my Lord!
O, how sweet the days with Jesus!
Trusting, clinging to His hand.
In His presence, daily living,
In the light of His commands.

O how sweet the way with Jesus!
Full of grace and truth and love.
Every burden, trial, blessing,
Showered from the God above.
O how sweet the Savior’s promise!
“I am with you till the end.”
Though the path of life is changing,
He’s a true and faithful friend.

O how sweet the name of Jesus!
Worthy of the highest praise.
I will sing of Christ and Calv’ry
And His mercy all my days.
O how sweet the gospel story,
By its message now set free!
He will not forget His promise.
He will cleanse and pardon thee.

O how sweet to walk with Jesus!
In the shadow of His arm.
Child of Calv’ry, if you’ll trust Him,
Unto you shall come no harm.
O how sweet will be the day that
Jesus beacons His child home!
And at last sweet songs of Jesus,
I shall sing around His throne.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 13, 2005
All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Renew me, O Lord

Renew me, O Lord and survey my heart.
Live in me I pray and cleanse ev’ry part.
Be through me a blessing that others might know.
Your wond’rous salvation, so freely bestowed.

Renew me, O Lord, review every thought.
And help me to praise Your name as I ought.
Your thoughts, Lord, how perfect! How precious to me!
In sunshine or darkness, I still walk with Thee!

Renew me, O Lord, in truth, Father, lead.
Teach me through Your love to help those in need.
Lord, help me to publish Your glorious name!
In work that You give me, renew, Lord, the flame!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 12, 2005
All rights reserved.
From Psalm 139
Opt. tune: "Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim"

Thursday, February 3, 2005

Loud Hosanna! Christ is Risen!

Loud Hosanna! Christ is Risen!
Now behold your glorious King!
Satan conquered, sin forgiven,
Death, behold, where is your sting?
Christ--victorious--rules forever.
Listen, He calls; go to Him.
He sweetly woos in endless mercy
"I will free your soul from sin!"

Loud Hosanna! Christ is Risen!
See His nail-marked hands and feet.
As He speaks He looks upon you
Will you will your Savior meet?
Look, His arms are open freely;
Flee to Him without delay!
He has opened heaven’s treasures,
Shown to us the only way!

Loud Hosanna! Christ in Risen!
Silence greets the empty tomb.
Will you answer His strong urging
As He cries out, “There is room!”
Speak! He listens every moment.
Call to Him all tempest tossed.
He will hearken to your pleading
He will guide you to His cross.

Loud Hosanna! Christ is Risen!
Doubters see the empty grave.
It is true; why do you tremble?
Trust in Him who came to save!
Drink each holy proven chapter;
Taste and see the Lord is good!
Come and sit and sup with Jesus;
Come and savor every word.

Loud Hosanna! Christ is Risen!
He has triumphed as He said!
“It is finished!” still it echoes
Christ has risen from the dead!
Feel the presence of the Savior.
Will you give Him every part?
Lamb of Calvary, come and make me
Closer, nearer, to Your heart!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 3, 2005
All rights reserved.