Sunday, February 13, 2005

O, How Sweet!

O how sweet the Voice of Jesus!
How it floods my soul with joy.
Trusting, knowing that it’s meaning,
Won’t return unto Him void!
O how sweet the words of Jesus!
Balms of mercy flood my soul.
Streams of joy, my heart is filling,
By His grace, I now stand whole!

O, how sweet is time with Jesus!
Digging deeper in His word.
Every need, Christ now supplying,
As I cry out to my Lord!
O, how sweet the days with Jesus!
Trusting, clinging to His hand.
In His presence, daily living,
In the light of His commands.

O how sweet the way with Jesus!
Full of grace and truth and love.
Every burden, trial, blessing,
Showered from the God above.
O how sweet the Savior’s promise!
“I am with you till the end.”
Though the path of life is changing,
He’s a true and faithful friend.

O how sweet the name of Jesus!
Worthy of the highest praise.
I will sing of Christ and Calv’ry
And His mercy all my days.
O how sweet the gospel story,
By its message now set free!
He will not forget His promise.
He will cleanse and pardon thee.

O how sweet to walk with Jesus!
In the shadow of His arm.
Child of Calv’ry, if you’ll trust Him,
Unto you shall come no harm.
O how sweet will be the day that
Jesus beacons His child home!
And at last sweet songs of Jesus,
I shall sing around His throne.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 13, 2005
All rights reserved.

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