For in love He gave His life.
It is finished; now He reigneth!
He is risen and is Christ!
Christians raise your voices higher
Sing aloud, His glorious praise.
Praise sing ye to the Savoir
Evermore His greatness raise.
Praises sing ye to the Savoir
He is Lord o’er ev’rything!
Rocks and hill break forth in singing,
Praises your Creator bring.
Wind and waves and sea obey Him
Sun and moon shine forth His praise!
Creatures of the earth and people
Sing aloud, your voices raise.
Praises sing ye to the Savior
O’er the earth His love proclaim!
Tell to ev’ry land and nation
Jesus Christ, God’s son, doth reign!
All who trust in Jesus, fear Him
Of His wonders ever sing.
Praises sing ye to the Savior
Who o’er all the earth is King!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 28, 2006
All rights reserved.