Monday, February 6, 2006

Ever Make Me More Like Jesus!

Ever make me more like Jesus
Always, always, more like Him!
Here I yield all worldly pleasures
Lay them down and fight to win.
Truly, Father, this my longing
My desire deep within:
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always, more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
As I go through daily tasks.
Help me do them for Your glory
Big or small. Yes, this I ask:
Help me do my work for Jesus
Not for praise of mortal men.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In the things I hear and say
Help me build up fellow Christians
As I touch their lives each day.
Help me touch them for the better
To know what to say, and when.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In my hidden thoughts that run.
For I know that You are watching
And You know them, every one.
Help me take the evil captive
Recognize that they are sin.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always, more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In the grace and love I show.
Help my life to be a message:
‘God has washed me white as snow!’
May I always show forth Jesus
Through my actions, tongue, and pen.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
‘Till You call my soul above.
Lord, increase me in Your Spirit
And perfect my heart in love.
Until I meet You in Your glory,
My plea is time and time again:
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always! Always! More like Him!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 6, 2006
All rights reserved.

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