His smile shall be my reward,
His heart shall be my own.
His burdens for the lost, now mine;
Serving my Lord alone.
Who will step forward, who will go?
Here I am, Lord, send me.
Reaching souls for Jesus
For eternity!
Lord, smile on me!
Lord, smile on me!
Not for man’s praise; only this:
Lord, smile on me!
His smile shall be my reward
I will give my all.
The fields around the world are white,
Gladly I heed the call.
If I serve in foreign land
Or on my native soil.
Always for my Jesus I will
Work and toil.
His smile shall be my reward
Oh, how I long to hear:
“Child you lived in righteous faith,
Charity, Godly fear.
These, the souls you’ve helped to win:
Treasures in heaven stored.
Well done; enter into the joy
Of your Lord!”
Opt. Tune: Love Lifted Me
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Once I Tried to Use Him
Once I tried to use Him
To satisfy my soul
How foolish I! For ‘twas a gift,
That cleansed and made my whole.
Once I thought my goodness,
My works, could set me free.
Once I tried to use Him –
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
I took His grace for naught.
Sinning that grace might abound
Not living as I ought.
Asking Him for strength
Using all day for ‘me’.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
To save my soul from hell
I was afraid His love to show
When Jesus whispered “Tell”.
I’d turn away with this reply:
“I’m scared. What if? Not me.”
Once I tried to use Him,
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him,
Now vain I see those days.
I pray that He will use me –
That He receives the praise.
I see Him so much greater
His majesty I see.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
How sweet the path has grown
Since I’ve yielded to His care
No need to ask for anything –
For HE is always there.
No need to ask for grace –
It rolleth like the sea.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
Now forevermore I’ll live.
For Him who died on Calvary
For He such freedom gives.
And then when I behold Him
That His words to me might be:
“Once you let me use you;
Child, I am pleased with thee.”
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 16, 2007
All rights reserved.
To satisfy my soul
How foolish I! For ‘twas a gift,
That cleansed and made my whole.
Once I thought my goodness,
My works, could set me free.
Once I tried to use Him –
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
I took His grace for naught.
Sinning that grace might abound
Not living as I ought.
Asking Him for strength
Using all day for ‘me’.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
To save my soul from hell
I was afraid His love to show
When Jesus whispered “Tell”.
I’d turn away with this reply:
“I’m scared. What if? Not me.”
Once I tried to use Him,
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him,
Now vain I see those days.
I pray that He will use me –
That He receives the praise.
I see Him so much greater
His majesty I see.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
How sweet the path has grown
Since I’ve yielded to His care
No need to ask for anything –
For HE is always there.
No need to ask for grace –
It rolleth like the sea.
Once I tried to use Him
But now He uses me.
Once I tried to use Him
Now forevermore I’ll live.
For Him who died on Calvary
For He such freedom gives.
And then when I behold Him
That His words to me might be:
“Once you let me use you;
Child, I am pleased with thee.”
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 16, 2007
All rights reserved.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Job Transfer
Having just moved to a new house, this story, written several years ago for school, has taken on new meaning:
Miriam yanks me up and plops me flat on my back on an envelope. “Ouch!” Rubbing her fingers across my face, I feel as if I have just been run over by a train. I watch while she picks up Pen and scrawls letters close to my frilly collar. Miriam does not seem to notice my panicked face in the morning sun as she carries me out to place me inside a dark box beside the street. Hours pass, and I wait in anxiety and dread while I wonder why Miriam would leave me all alone. The box opens, and a beam of light makes me squint. I rejoice at the hope of getting out, but my joy turns to alarm as I feel a hand lift me out and rather incompassionately toss me in a stifling crate. I begin to get a headache as I travel along the bumpy road with other crying, frightened, address labels, envelopes, and stamps like myself. “Where are we going?” “What is going to happen to us?” some are asking. Oh, how I wish I knew!
After a rather lengthy ride with many stops, I can hardly breathe from my place in the stack. Soon I feel the crate turn over, and, without warning, I slide out into the open. The light and elbow room feel good, and I take big breaths in and out before I am shoved into an even larger box. After what seems like forever, I again slide out and suffer bright lights and machines that stomp and roll over me with no regard at all for my comfort or pleasure. Stomp, roll, Stomp, roll, flash! The blinding lights and ‘pounders’ make me ache to the core. When will this be over? Why would Miriam send me here? I try to console myself with the thought that maybe I’ll be free after all of this is finished, but my hopes crumble as I once more get dropped into a huge box. The fear of what will happen next seems to hover over me, and I wonder if I will ever recover from all the bends and bruises I feel. Others around me in the dark are sleeping, their snores penetrating the stuffy silence. Hurt and discouraged, I fall into a restless sleep.
When I awake, I realize I must have traveled a good distance, and I wonder how many days have passed. As I fall off the roller and into a box, someone nearby shouts, “Here, Jim, the box for your morning route!” From the top of the box, the word gets passed that we are once again getting into a white truck like we came in. My heart leaps with joy as I think of perhaps seeing Miriam again. I breathe easier as each envelope above me is chosen and returned to boxes beside the street. I sing and shout for joy with my companions as we think of the happy prospect, and the wheels of the truck seem to sing “going home, going home; home at last, trouble past!”
My face shines with delight and joy as I am carefully lifted with other envelopes and placed in a box beside the street. I patiently wait, but I am tempted to bounce off the walls with gladness. When I am finally lifted for the last time, my face shines with happiness at the girl standing there. It does not worry me too much when I notice that the face is not Miriam’s. “Maybe Miriam is inside the house,” I console my fears. Once inside the girl holding me calls out, “Rachael, there is a letter for you in the mail!” Rachael? Wait a minute; where am I? In panic and worry, I am almost in tears. I thought I was going home!
Soon, I feel gentle hands lift me, and carry me back outside. I hardly notice the budding trees, the lake and flowers around me as I wallow in my own self-pity. Once seated Rachael flips me
over, and for the first time, I see her face. Through my tears, I realize that in a way I was right. I was going home. This girl was like Miriam. There were some differences: this girl had beautiful curly hair, and she did not wear glasses. But there were many similarities too: Miriam had brown eyes, so did Rachael, they both wore sunny smiles and they were both seemed to relish my contents. In fact, I just might like it here. And then I realize Miriam sent me here to bring good news to Rachael; to make my home where she placed me. As I rest in confidence and surrender in Rachael’s hand, and I notice how easily the word seems to come off my tongue, HOME.

Miriam yanks me up and plops me flat on my back on an envelope. “Ouch!” Rubbing her fingers across my face, I feel as if I have just been run over by a train. I watch while she picks up Pen and scrawls letters close to my frilly collar. Miriam does not seem to notice my panicked face in the morning sun as she carries me out to place me inside a dark box beside the street. Hours pass, and I wait in anxiety and dread while I wonder why Miriam would leave me all alone. The box opens, and a beam of light makes me squint. I rejoice at the hope of getting out, but my joy turns to alarm as I feel a hand lift me out and rather incompassionately toss me in a stifling crate. I begin to get a headache as I travel along the bumpy road with other crying, frightened, address labels, envelopes, and stamps like myself. “Where are we going?” “What is going to happen to us?” some are asking. Oh, how I wish I knew!
After a rather lengthy ride with many stops, I can hardly breathe from my place in the stack. Soon I feel the crate turn over, and, without warning, I slide out into the open. The light and elbow room feel good, and I take big breaths in and out before I am shoved into an even larger box. After what seems like forever, I again slide out and suffer bright lights and machines that stomp and roll over me with no regard at all for my comfort or pleasure. Stomp, roll, Stomp, roll, flash! The blinding lights and ‘pounders’ make me ache to the core. When will this be over? Why would Miriam send me here? I try to console myself with the thought that maybe I’ll be free after all of this is finished, but my hopes crumble as I once more get dropped into a huge box. The fear of what will happen next seems to hover over me, and I wonder if I will ever recover from all the bends and bruises I feel. Others around me in the dark are sleeping, their snores penetrating the stuffy silence. Hurt and discouraged, I fall into a restless sleep.
When I awake, I realize I must have traveled a good distance, and I wonder how many days have passed. As I fall off the roller and into a box, someone nearby shouts, “Here, Jim, the box for your morning route!” From the top of the box, the word gets passed that we are once again getting into a white truck like we came in. My heart leaps with joy as I think of perhaps seeing Miriam again. I breathe easier as each envelope above me is chosen and returned to boxes beside the street. I sing and shout for joy with my companions as we think of the happy prospect, and the wheels of the truck seem to sing “going home, going home; home at last, trouble past!”
My face shines with delight and joy as I am carefully lifted with other envelopes and placed in a box beside the street. I patiently wait, but I am tempted to bounce off the walls with gladness. When I am finally lifted for the last time, my face shines with happiness at the girl standing there. It does not worry me too much when I notice that the face is not Miriam’s. “Maybe Miriam is inside the house,” I console my fears. Once inside the girl holding me calls out, “Rachael, there is a letter for you in the mail!” Rachael? Wait a minute; where am I? In panic and worry, I am almost in tears. I thought I was going home!
Soon, I feel gentle hands lift me, and carry me back outside. I hardly notice the budding trees, the lake and flowers around me as I wallow in my own self-pity. Once seated Rachael flips me

© Miriam Rainwater
Written May 4, 2005
Written May 4, 2005
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Walking in His Presence
Walking in His presence, thus my heart is glad
In my Lord rejoicing with salvation clad.
He will hold me safely, He will not forsake,
Nothing can my faith in Christ my Savoir shake.
Walking in His presence, O, what joy!
Daily walking where none can annoy.
In His presence, ever I abide.
Christ before, behind, yea, even by my side.
Walking in His presence, all along the way
Following my Savior’s plans by night and day.
He will show the way of truth, the path of life.
Thus I press on, fearing not the toil or strife.
Walking in His presence, Satan cannot harm.
I am safe while lending firmly on His arm.
Any moment, He will hear my feeble call.
He is my Protector and my All in All.
Walking in His presence in the great and small;
Trusting Him to keep me humble, lest I fall.
I will do my best for Jesus in all things
For I am a servant of the King of Kings!
Walking in His presence, ‘till this life is o’er,
‘Till I go to spend forever with my Lord.
E’er then within His presence I will be
Walking in His presence for eternity!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 15, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Count Your Blessings
In my Lord rejoicing with salvation clad.
He will hold me safely, He will not forsake,
Nothing can my faith in Christ my Savoir shake.
Walking in His presence, O, what joy!
Daily walking where none can annoy.
In His presence, ever I abide.
Christ before, behind, yea, even by my side.
Walking in His presence, all along the way
Following my Savior’s plans by night and day.
He will show the way of truth, the path of life.
Thus I press on, fearing not the toil or strife.
Walking in His presence, Satan cannot harm.
I am safe while lending firmly on His arm.
Any moment, He will hear my feeble call.
He is my Protector and my All in All.
Walking in His presence in the great and small;
Trusting Him to keep me humble, lest I fall.
I will do my best for Jesus in all things
For I am a servant of the King of Kings!
Walking in His presence, ‘till this life is o’er,
‘Till I go to spend forever with my Lord.
E’er then within His presence I will be
Walking in His presence for eternity!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 15, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Count Your Blessings
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
His Everlasting Arms are Mine
My everlasting help is He,
He gives me strength unto my need.
His arms are ever underneath
The King of Heaven, Prince of Peace.
His presence goes before, behind.
His everlasting arms are mine,
His everlasting arms are mine.
He makes me strong unto the day
When walking in His narrow way.
Though much I fail, ever I find,
My Savior just, faithful, and kind.
Though Satan would my life destroy,
I rest in Christ with highest joy.
Satan cannot do anything,
Without permission from my King.
Though come a storm with driving dust,
In Jesus' arms I rest and trust.
Though some I know may taunt and jeer
These have no pow’r while He is near.
And through the ages my hope is
I will be marked as one of His.
For He is mine; and safe from harm
I press on leaning on His arm.
Based on Deuteronomy 33:25, 27
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 5, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: The Solid Rock
He gives me strength unto my need.
His arms are ever underneath
The King of Heaven, Prince of Peace.
His presence goes before, behind.
His everlasting arms are mine,
His everlasting arms are mine.
He makes me strong unto the day
When walking in His narrow way.
Though much I fail, ever I find,
My Savior just, faithful, and kind.
Though Satan would my life destroy,
I rest in Christ with highest joy.
Satan cannot do anything,
Without permission from my King.
Though come a storm with driving dust,
In Jesus' arms I rest and trust.
Though some I know may taunt and jeer
These have no pow’r while He is near.
And through the ages my hope is
I will be marked as one of His.
For He is mine; and safe from harm
I press on leaning on His arm.
Based on Deuteronomy 33:25, 27
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 5, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: The Solid Rock
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Secure in Hope
Because there is hope in Christ
Thou shalt be secure.
For Christ’s promises are true.
Of this one thing be sure:
He will always be with you,
He will not leave you, e’er.
Because there is hope, on Jesus
Cast your care.
Thou art secure
Thou art secure
Because there is hope in Christ
Thou art secure.
Thou art secure,
Thou art secure.
Because there is hope in Christ
Thou art secure.
(On last stanza use “I am secure”)
Jesus promised, ”I will send
My Comforter to you.
He will live within your heart,
Teach you My will to do.
As you do My will, My plan,
Seeking to find My way.
You will see, My Child, I guide you,
All the way.
When with thunder roaring low
When as the raindrops fall.
When I’m struggling within,
I hear my Father call:
My dear Child, though light and ray,
Storm clouds and rain obscure
Trust in Me and do not fear,
Thou art secure!”
I will run the race with faith,
Press on toward heaven’s plain.
Eternally safe am I
Whether in sun or rain.
Christ, my Savoir walks with me,
He will not let me go.
Of all things in life, this thing,
Yea, this I know:
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, June 16, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Love Lifted Me
Thou shalt be secure.
For Christ’s promises are true.
Of this one thing be sure:
He will always be with you,
He will not leave you, e’er.
Because there is hope, on Jesus
Cast your care.
Thou art secure
Thou art secure
Because there is hope in Christ
Thou art secure.
Thou art secure,
Thou art secure.
Because there is hope in Christ
Thou art secure.
(On last stanza use “I am secure”)
Jesus promised, ”I will send
My Comforter to you.
He will live within your heart,
Teach you My will to do.
As you do My will, My plan,
Seeking to find My way.
You will see, My Child, I guide you,
All the way.
When with thunder roaring low
When as the raindrops fall.
When I’m struggling within,
I hear my Father call:
My dear Child, though light and ray,
Storm clouds and rain obscure
Trust in Me and do not fear,
Thou art secure!”
I will run the race with faith,
Press on toward heaven’s plain.
Eternally safe am I
Whether in sun or rain.
Christ, my Savoir walks with me,
He will not let me go.
Of all things in life, this thing,
Yea, this I know:
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, June 16, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Love Lifted Me
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Jesus, Reign
Jesus, reign; my life control
Continually Thy name extol.
Guard me from the Tempter’s power.
Keep me by Thy hand each hour,
Keep me by Thy hand each hour.
Jesus, reign; for I am weak.
Always, e’er, Thy strength I seek.
Though the enemy taunt and jeer,
I shall have no need to fear,
I shall have no need to fear.
Jesus, reign; my body, mind,
Soul, possessions, all are Thine.
Use them that the world may see
That Christ rules and lives in me.
That Christ rules and lives in me.
Jesus, reign; through life’s long day
O’er my spirit hold full sway.
‘Till in heav’n when life is past
I shall reign with Thee at last
I shall reign with Thee at last.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 24, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Take My Life and Let It Be
Continually Thy name extol.
Guard me from the Tempter’s power.
Keep me by Thy hand each hour,
Keep me by Thy hand each hour.
Jesus, reign; for I am weak.
Always, e’er, Thy strength I seek.
Though the enemy taunt and jeer,
I shall have no need to fear,
I shall have no need to fear.
Jesus, reign; my body, mind,
Soul, possessions, all are Thine.
Use them that the world may see
That Christ rules and lives in me.
That Christ rules and lives in me.
Jesus, reign; through life’s long day
O’er my spirit hold full sway.
‘Till in heav’n when life is past
I shall reign with Thee at last
I shall reign with Thee at last.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 24, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Take My Life and Let It Be
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Child of God and Free from Sin
A child of God and free from sin,
Redeemed by Calvary.
I died with Christ upon the cross
And through Him I am free.
Through Christ I am free;
Through Christ I am free.
Dead to sin, alive through Christ
As through Christ I am free.
A child of God and free from sin,
I bear this guilt no more
No condemnation I shall dread
Since I died with my Lord.
A child of God and free from sin,
Dominion, sin has not.
I walk in newness of live and heart
For with His blood I am bought.
Based on Romans 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Christ Liveth in Me
Redeemed by Calvary.
I died with Christ upon the cross
And through Him I am free.
Through Christ I am free;
Through Christ I am free.
Dead to sin, alive through Christ
As through Christ I am free.
A child of God and free from sin,
I bear this guilt no more
No condemnation I shall dread
Since I died with my Lord.
A child of God and free from sin,
Dominion, sin has not.
I walk in newness of live and heart
For with His blood I am bought.
Based on Romans 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Christ Liveth in Me
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rejoice in His Might
Ye children of light, rejoice in His might
He giveth us vict’ry o’er powers of night.
No one can defeat us, with Christ on our side
He giveth us strength as we in Him abide.
Children of Light
Joy in His might.
The vict’ry is ours through Calvary won!
Sing and Rejoice
Lift up your voice
Be strong through the power of Jesus the Son.
Ye children of light, the battle is His
The breastplate of righteousness our Jesus is.
Our peace and salvation, our truth and our joy.
With Christ as our Captain, no foe can annoy.
Ye children of light, yield not to the wiles
Of Satan, but count all things joy in you trials.
Resist the temptations, give Christ Satan’s lies.
Draw strength from Savior, your God, ever-wise.
Based on Eph. 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Saved by the Blood of the Crucified One
He giveth us vict’ry o’er powers of night.
No one can defeat us, with Christ on our side
He giveth us strength as we in Him abide.
Children of Light
Joy in His might.
The vict’ry is ours through Calvary won!
Sing and Rejoice
Lift up your voice
Be strong through the power of Jesus the Son.
Ye children of light, the battle is His
The breastplate of righteousness our Jesus is.
Our peace and salvation, our truth and our joy.
With Christ as our Captain, no foe can annoy.
Ye children of light, yield not to the wiles
Of Satan, but count all things joy in you trials.
Resist the temptations, give Christ Satan’s lies.
Draw strength from Savior, your God, ever-wise.
Based on Eph. 6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Saved by the Blood of the Crucified One
Ye Shall Overcome the World
Saints of God, fresh courage take,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Born of God, through grace, by faith.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Fight bravely with the Sword
Depending on your Lord.
Eternal – your reward.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Joy in Christ, the battle’s His,
Ye shall overcome the world.
He your Help and Vict’ry is;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Ye fight not flesh and blood
But fight ye foes of God.
With His whole armor shod,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Rise up take your battle arms.
Ye shall overcome the world
Safe in Christ, by no man harmed
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand, therefore in His might
Defeating pow’rs of night.
Christ by you in the fight,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Sound the trumpet, n’er retreat!
Ye shall overcome the world
Satan and his host defeat;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Saints, on to higher ground
‘Till in His likeness found.
Loud still His promise sounds:
“Ye shall overcome the world!”
Though ye may be tempted sore
Ye shall overcome the world
Drawing strength from His rich store
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand firmly on His name.
Boldly His promise claim:
“Like as I overcame,
Ye shall overcome the world!”
Based on Rev. 2 and 3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Ye shall overcome the world.
Born of God, through grace, by faith.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Fight bravely with the Sword
Depending on your Lord.
Eternal – your reward.
Ye shall overcome the world.
Joy in Christ, the battle’s His,
Ye shall overcome the world.
He your Help and Vict’ry is;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Ye fight not flesh and blood
But fight ye foes of God.
With His whole armor shod,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Rise up take your battle arms.
Ye shall overcome the world
Safe in Christ, by no man harmed
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand, therefore in His might
Defeating pow’rs of night.
Christ by you in the fight,
Ye shall overcome the world.
Sound the trumpet, n’er retreat!
Ye shall overcome the world
Satan and his host defeat;
Ye shall overcome the world.
Saints, on to higher ground
‘Till in His likeness found.
Loud still His promise sounds:
“Ye shall overcome the world!”
Though ye may be tempted sore
Ye shall overcome the world
Drawing strength from His rich store
Ye shall overcome the world.
Stand firmly on His name.
Boldly His promise claim:
“Like as I overcame,
Ye shall overcome the world!”
Based on Rev. 2 and 3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 14, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Here I Stand
Bold here I stand for I can do none else.
My eyes are on the Christ, the Crucified,
The Risen One. In sickness and in health,
For truth I stand and with my Jesus side.
Firm, here I stand, decision Christ-ward made
I cannot yield to falsehoods or to lies.
Strong in my Lord, I am secure and stayed
In Him who is sufficient, ever wise.
Still here I stand upon the Word of God.
I passionately seek my Savior’s face.
His path I follow that the Saints have trod.
His peace I find, His love, His joy, His grace.
Now here I stand, all else I cannot do
No matter what, I stand for what is true.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 12, 2007
All rights reserved.
My eyes are on the Christ, the Crucified,
The Risen One. In sickness and in health,
For truth I stand and with my Jesus side.
Firm, here I stand, decision Christ-ward made
I cannot yield to falsehoods or to lies.
Strong in my Lord, I am secure and stayed
In Him who is sufficient, ever wise.
Still here I stand upon the Word of God.
I passionately seek my Savior’s face.
His path I follow that the Saints have trod.
His peace I find, His love, His joy, His grace.
Now here I stand, all else I cannot do
No matter what, I stand for what is true.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 12, 2007
All rights reserved.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Yet Still
I was born in the world
And sin filled my life
The Devil was lord,
Yet still
God sent Christ.
Though His child through Christ’s blood
I clung still to some
Old “pleasures” in sin
Yet still
Christ called, “come.”
Like a sheep I rebelled
From the Shepherd away
Disobedient I wandered
Yet still
Jesus stayed.
All alone in the desert
All my pride disappeared.
I had failed, but forgiven.
Yet still
Christ was there.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 25, 2007
All rights reserved.
And sin filled my life
The Devil was lord,
Yet still
God sent Christ.
Though His child through Christ’s blood
I clung still to some
Old “pleasures” in sin
Yet still
Christ called, “come.”
Like a sheep I rebelled
From the Shepherd away
Disobedient I wandered
Yet still
Jesus stayed.
All alone in the desert
All my pride disappeared.
I had failed, but forgiven.
Yet still
Christ was there.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 25, 2007
All rights reserved.
Friday, March 23, 2007
What I Can Do in Thee
Who art thou who is afraid;
My child, why fearest Thee?
For even I, the Lord, Thy God,
Is He that comforts Thee,
Is He that comforts Thee.
Ye need not fear a host by night
A mite of harm by day.
For I, the Lord, am Thy Defense
Thy Everlasting Stay,
Thy Everlasting Stay.
I am the God that teachest Thee
In the ways Thou shouldest go.
And if Ye hearken unto me
I’ll wash you white as snow,
I’ll wash you white as snow.
If Thou shalt walk within my ways
And make My plans your choice.
In my righteousness and in My name
Shalt Thou evermore rejoice,
Shalt Thou evermore rejoice.
Opt. tune: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
Based on Is. 48:17, Is.51:12, Ps. 89:15-16, 18, 20, Ps. 91
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
My child, why fearest Thee?
For even I, the Lord, Thy God,
Is He that comforts Thee,
Is He that comforts Thee.
Ye need not fear a host by night
A mite of harm by day.
For I, the Lord, am Thy Defense
Thy Everlasting Stay,
Thy Everlasting Stay.
I am the God that teachest Thee
In the ways Thou shouldest go.
And if Ye hearken unto me
I’ll wash you white as snow,
I’ll wash you white as snow.
If Thou shalt walk within my ways
And make My plans your choice.
In my righteousness and in My name
Shalt Thou evermore rejoice,
Shalt Thou evermore rejoice.
Opt. tune: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
Based on Is. 48:17, Is.51:12, Ps. 89:15-16, 18, 20, Ps. 91
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2007
All rights reserved.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Nothing, no Nothing
I am persuaded, yea, this I know:
Jesus is with me where ever I go.
Since He has washed me in Calv’ry’s flow
I have the vict’ry o’er all of my foes.
Nothing, no nothing, shall separate me
From Jesus Christ and His love full and free.
Safe in His love and secured by His grace.
Through Him, I conquer whatever I face.
I am persuaded, as in Him I hide
Trusting in Jesus to lead me and guide:
Whate’er befall me, still He is beside;
As He in me and I in Him abide.
I am persuaded, this promise I claim
Through the full power of Jesus’ name:
Though still I fail, He is always the same –
Still He forgives me and takes all my shame.
I am persuaded, not depth and not height,
Not tribulations, distress, death or life,
No other creature, no matter the might,
Ever shall hide me from my Savior’s sight.
Opt. tune: Moment by Moment
Based on Rom. 8:35-39
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 11, 2007
All rights reserved.
Jesus is with me where ever I go.
Since He has washed me in Calv’ry’s flow
I have the vict’ry o’er all of my foes.
Nothing, no nothing, shall separate me
From Jesus Christ and His love full and free.
Safe in His love and secured by His grace.
Through Him, I conquer whatever I face.
I am persuaded, as in Him I hide
Trusting in Jesus to lead me and guide:
Whate’er befall me, still He is beside;
As He in me and I in Him abide.
I am persuaded, this promise I claim
Through the full power of Jesus’ name:
Though still I fail, He is always the same –
Still He forgives me and takes all my shame.
I am persuaded, not depth and not height,
Not tribulations, distress, death or life,
No other creature, no matter the might,
Ever shall hide me from my Savior’s sight.
Opt. tune: Moment by Moment
Based on Rom. 8:35-39
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 11, 2007
All rights reserved.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Surely I Come Quickly
Surely I come quickly
The rapture draweth nigh.
My child, are you preparing
To meet me in the sky?
Surely I come quickly,
Are you putting off my grace?
Have you grasped my full salvation
And reserved a heav’nly place?
Surely I come quickly,
Have you given all you hath
So that when in clouds returning
Find I you in narrow paths?
Surely I come quickly.
Are you praying, always, e’er?
Are you giving thanks, rejoicing?
My salvation; will you share?
Surely I come quickly.
Do you from evil abstain,
Yea, from even such appearance?
Are you living without blame?
Surely I come quickly.
Soon the trumpet shall resound.
Will you in ways of wickedness
Or righteousness be found?
Surely I come quickly.
Do you know me as you should?
Do you know that if I chose to come
At noon today I could?
Surely I come quickly.
I, for whom your soul so cared
That I died upon the cross. Child –
Will you be prepared?
Based on I Thess. 4:13-18, 5:1-24, I Peter 4:13-18, Rev. 1:3, 22:7, John 3:16
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 11, 2007
All rights reserved.
The rapture draweth nigh.
My child, are you preparing
To meet me in the sky?
Surely I come quickly,
Are you putting off my grace?
Have you grasped my full salvation
And reserved a heav’nly place?
Surely I come quickly,
Have you given all you hath
So that when in clouds returning
Find I you in narrow paths?
Surely I come quickly.
Are you praying, always, e’er?
Are you giving thanks, rejoicing?
My salvation; will you share?
Surely I come quickly.
Do you from evil abstain,
Yea, from even such appearance?
Are you living without blame?
Surely I come quickly.
Soon the trumpet shall resound.
Will you in ways of wickedness
Or righteousness be found?
Surely I come quickly.
Do you know me as you should?
Do you know that if I chose to come
At noon today I could?
Surely I come quickly.
I, for whom your soul so cared
That I died upon the cross. Child –
Will you be prepared?
Based on I Thess. 4:13-18, 5:1-24, I Peter 4:13-18, Rev. 1:3, 22:7, John 3:16
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 11, 2007
All rights reserved.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
In the Secret of Thy Presence
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
How great Thy goodness unto me!
In the secret places Thou hast kept me safely
Thou hast heard me when I’ve cried to Thee.
Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant.
Lead and guide me with the Shepherd’s rod.
For in Thee I’ve put my all, my being,
And my trust; I’ve said, “Thou art my God.”
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
I will trust in the covert of Thy wings.
I rejoice, I am glad in all Thy mercies
Of Thy name forever will I sing.
When my heart is overwhelmed within me
Lead me to the Rock higher than I.
Thou hast been my Shelter and my Tower,
My Fortress, to which I quickly fly.
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
In Thy shadow, Lord Almighty, I abide.
I shall not be afraid of tens of thousands
For I know Thou art always by my side.
Thou, the Lord, preserveth me from evil
Encompassing me by night and day.
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me
Satisfied, forever here I’ll stay.
Based on Psalm 31, 61, 91, 121
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 10, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Day by Day
How great Thy goodness unto me!
In the secret places Thou hast kept me safely
Thou hast heard me when I’ve cried to Thee.
Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant.
Lead and guide me with the Shepherd’s rod.
For in Thee I’ve put my all, my being,
And my trust; I’ve said, “Thou art my God.”
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
I will trust in the covert of Thy wings.
I rejoice, I am glad in all Thy mercies
Of Thy name forever will I sing.
When my heart is overwhelmed within me
Lead me to the Rock higher than I.
Thou hast been my Shelter and my Tower,
My Fortress, to which I quickly fly.
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
In Thy shadow, Lord Almighty, I abide.
I shall not be afraid of tens of thousands
For I know Thou art always by my side.
Thou, the Lord, preserveth me from evil
Encompassing me by night and day.
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me
Satisfied, forever here I’ll stay.
Based on Psalm 31, 61, 91, 121
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 10, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Day by Day
Friday, February 9, 2007
A Sheep of Yours Needs Carrying
A sheep of Yours needs carrying,
Lord, today was really rough.
The path was bumpy, rocky
Making going forward tough.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying,
Lord, all alone I feel.
Yet all the bruises of the day
I know Your hand can heal.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying.
A wolf, a bear, lurks near.
I struggle with temptation
But my bleating soul You hear.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying.
I have no strength at all.
Shepherd, lift me in Your hands
And nigh unto me draw!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 9, 2007
All rights reserved.
Lord, today was really rough.
The path was bumpy, rocky
Making going forward tough.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying,
Lord, all alone I feel.
Yet all the bruises of the day
I know Your hand can heal.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying.
A wolf, a bear, lurks near.
I struggle with temptation
But my bleating soul You hear.
A sheep of Yours needs carrying.
I have no strength at all.
Shepherd, lift me in Your hands
And nigh unto me draw!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 9, 2007
All rights reserved.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I Pitched My Tent
I pitched my tent toward heaven.
My eyes were on the cross.
My constant prayer was “Lord, refine
My heart from sinful dross.”
I stood against temptation
And sought my Savior’s face.
But something happened then
That has brought me to this place.
I pitched my tent toward “Sodom”
The world my eyes had sought.
I compromised, then tried to pray
Yet, repentance I had naught.
I yielded to temptation
And sought the things of sin.
But something happened then
And I cried to God again.
I pitch my tent toward heaven.
My eyes are on my God.
I’m standing on the mountain top
Instead of sinking sod.
I stand against temptation,
I seek my Lord again.
I will not look back, only flee,
And set my heart on Him.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 21, 2007
All rights reserved.
My eyes were on the cross.
My constant prayer was “Lord, refine
My heart from sinful dross.”
I stood against temptation
And sought my Savior’s face.
But something happened then
That has brought me to this place.
I pitched my tent toward “Sodom”
The world my eyes had sought.
I compromised, then tried to pray
Yet, repentance I had naught.
I yielded to temptation
And sought the things of sin.
But something happened then
And I cried to God again.
I pitch my tent toward heaven.
My eyes are on my God.
I’m standing on the mountain top
Instead of sinking sod.
I stand against temptation,
I seek my Lord again.
I will not look back, only flee,
And set my heart on Him.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 21, 2007
All rights reserved.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Here I Wait
Here I wait – beneath my Savior’s gaze.
He watches o’er me day and night.
He sheds upon my path His light
And leads me in His ways.
As I wait – I hear Him softly speak:
“Alone in My Sufficientness
And in My love and peace, Child, rest.
For I AM what you seek.”
While I wait – I muse on times now past.
My God was always there.
To Him I yielded every care.
Each burden on Him cast.
Still I wait – I know He is not late.
I lay down my desires, plans,
That I might be His loving hands;
Though working – here I wait.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 15, 2007
All rights reserved.
He watches o’er me day and night.
He sheds upon my path His light
And leads me in His ways.
As I wait – I hear Him softly speak:
“Alone in My Sufficientness
And in My love and peace, Child, rest.
For I AM what you seek.”
While I wait – I muse on times now past.
My God was always there.
To Him I yielded every care.
Each burden on Him cast.
Still I wait – I know He is not late.
I lay down my desires, plans,
That I might be His loving hands;
Though working – here I wait.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 15, 2007
All rights reserved.
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