Sunday, February 11, 2007

Surely I Come Quickly

Surely I come quickly
The rapture draweth nigh.
My child, are you preparing
To meet me in the sky?

Surely I come quickly,
Are you putting off my grace?
Have you grasped my full salvation
And reserved a heav’nly place?

Surely I come quickly,
Have you given all you hath
So that when in clouds returning
Find I you in narrow paths?

Surely I come quickly.
Are you praying, always, e’er?
Are you giving thanks, rejoicing?
My salvation; will you share?

Surely I come quickly.
Do you from evil abstain,
Yea, from even such appearance?
Are you living without blame?

Surely I come quickly.
Soon the trumpet shall resound.
Will you in ways of wickedness
Or righteousness be found?

Surely I come quickly.
Do you know me as you should?
Do you know that if I chose to come
At noon today I could?

Surely I come quickly.
I, for whom your soul so cared
That I died upon the cross. Child –
Will you be prepared?

Based on I Thess. 4:13-18, 5:1-24, I Peter 4:13-18, Rev. 1:3, 22:7, John 3:16
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 11, 2007
All rights reserved.

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