Friday, September 3, 2010


Playful children
Throw balls
Pick teams
Or rather...

Enjoying the fun
Except the one
Little girl.

They skip over her
'Till she's the last to pick to play
Never throwing the ball her way.

Her eyes, deep and brown
Seek the ground.

A new game is introduced:
Duck, Duck, Duck, Goose.

She sits in the circle
Chosen by no one
At all.
I sit down with them;
They are excited that I want to play.
I smile at the Sad One.

Goose! I hear above my head
Before I move the child has fled
And I am on the run.
I no longer sit--
I'm it.

I touch each wondering one
Who in suspense
Is ready to run.
Her head is drooping
Not expecting anyone to choose her.

I pass around the circle
Enjoying the look of mystery in their eyes
Until they sigh
With impatience.

I laugh.
Then with one gleeful chant
I see those brown eyes dance
As at my "goose"
She jumps up
In joy.

She even catches me
And I'm glad to sit "in the pot"
Midst the giggles
Just for that look in her eyes,
That smile that shows her missing teeth.

Sitting there
Watching her delight as she calls out "duck,"
I'm rather awe-struck.
I'm a "goose"
Chosen by God
When I felt all alone.
His love picked me out
And made me His own.

And His love
Never fails.

"These things have I spoken unto you...that your joy might be full...I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you." (John 15:11, 15b, 16)


Anonymous said...

SO creative and beautiful.

Eric said...

Beautiful poem, Miriam! I'm honored to inspire someone else's art for a change.