Sunday, January 16, 2011

Find Me, Bind Me, and Remind Me

"When I lose my way
And hopes are dim,
Will You look for me?"

"Child, I know each day,
Hopes are never slim.
I find every absentee."

"When I loose love's chains,
From Your victory run,
Will we stay apart?"

"No, My grace remains.
I have already begun
To bind you back to My heart."

"When I forget my name
And who I am.
Will I be too far?"

"No, I stay the Same
And have a plan.
I will remind you who you are."

"At the end of all your faith,
To the end of all your days,
Remember Me; You need
Not dread in all your ways.

Child, there's nothing left to fear.
I am here."
"So when I lose my way, find me; when I loose love's chains, bind me; at the end of all my faith to the end of all my days, when I forget my name, remind me..." ~ Andrew Peterson, Dancing in the Minefields

Safe in the Tower

In the midst of all this chaos,
My life is still devoid
Of adventure, substance, meaning;
Fleeting pleasures I've enjoyed.
But God, inside my soul,
There's a hunger, there's a thirst
To know Your very Essence
And to in You be immersed.
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Great I AM, Abundant Life,
Will You make my living rife?
Show me Your glory!
Oh, Eternal Present Tense--
I AM--Live in me,
And be my one Defense.

In the midst of all this chaos,
For so many things I cry.
I'm in need of Your provision,
Long to hear Your calm reply.
And God, inside my soul,
There's worry, many fears.
Will you show me Your supply
That never disappears?
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Jehovah Jireh, My supplier
Will you hear of my desire?
Show me Your glory!
Let me see Your face!
Omniscient One, be
My one Hiding Place.

In the midst of all this chaos
Is a battleground--my mind.
And I'm failing in the conflict,
One action at the time.
But God, inside my soul,
There's a longing to be free,
To know Your healing power
And to beat the enemy.
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Will You, LORD my Banner,
Show me triumph's manner?
Show me Your glory!
Trials will end in jubilation.
Jehovah Nessi--Move in me
And be my Preservation.

In the midst of all this chaos,
I see my needs increase.
I'm tired and I'm struggling
And I long so much for peace.
And God, inside my soul,
There's no hope, no way to turn.
Will you show me Your full Presence?
May I of Your friendship learn?
Will You make Your name my Tower?
LORD of Lords and Prince of Peace.
Will you make each striving cease?
Show me Your glory!
Peace and Pain juxtapose.
Jehovah Salom--Rest in me,
And be my Repose.

So many other names You have;
Unveiling You has just begun.
But may each name be the Tower
To which I quickly run.
A shelter from the struggle,
I'll find in Your embrace
Each time I reach the tower
I will be in You--safe.

"The name of the LORD is a strong Tower; the righteous man runs to it and is safe." (Proverbs 18:10)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Like Water in an Icy Stream...

Winter's chill takes the sensitivity out of my hands
As I walk along the snowy edge of the creek.

Doubt's chill takes the sensitivity out of my heart
As I walk through the cold paths of life.

I look at the water in the stream, moving, flowing, staying
Above freezing despite the icy conditions surrounding it.

I look at my own heart; is it moving and staying
Above the freezing point of indifference?

How does that water remain warm enough to respond
To it's destiny and speed onward to the sea?

How can I keep my heart warm enough to respond
To a holy God even when everything around me is frozen?

The water refuses to stop and hold contact
With the icy conditions that would lead it to lose it's warmth.

I must refuse to stop or hold contact
With the bitter fears that would lead me to lose His passion.

The stream must keep moving, busy
About the things it's meant to do.

I must keep moving, actively seeking
To know my Savoir's Presence.

Those droplets must keep themselves pursuing
The warmer waters that lie downstream.

No matter the world's chill, I desire yet warmer fellowship;
I must keep my eyes fixed on my goal: pursuing Him.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Your Nearness is My Good

With all that is within me,

I thirst to thirst for You.

You are the One I’m living for;

I want to want Your Truth.

I desire to desire Your desires

And to Your heart draw near,

To live Coram Deo

And to know Your presence here.

I know that You are Holy One,

And You I long to praise.

But I also know You’re “God with Us,”

Emmanuel, everyday.

No matter where I find myself

I want Your heart my heart to fill,

And the closer that I am to You,

I hope to be yet closer still.

I want to live in Your presence

And give You the praise that I should.

Like Moses, I cry, “Show me Your glory!”

Your nearness is my good.

~ ~ ~

“Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever… As for me, the nearness of God is my good…” (Psalm 73:25,26, 28).

~ ~ ~

“O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, "Rise up, any love, my fair one, and come away." Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long.” ~A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Carrying His Name

No theology, no religion will change their situations.
No huge, grand idea will bring hope to the nations.
You can talk about your stuff and the names of your possessions:
Apple, Lucky, Nike, whatever your obsession.
But no name on this earth deserves to be made known
More than the Savoir of the earth--Jesus Christ, God's own
Son, Who gave Himself that we might be saved
From sin and separation; we can have what we have craved:
A relationship with the Holy One. His name you must lift high.
Will Jesus be your exclamation? Will Jesus be your cry?
Will you keep His passion or will your heart grew cold?
Will you forget or will you His fame uphold?
Go where His passion leads you with your hearts aflame,
But wherever your life takes you--be carrying HIS NAME.


"My heart will sing no other name-- JESUS, JESUS!"

Monday, January 3, 2011

Refuse to Trade that Birthright

Jacob stood above the fire
Stirring a pot of stew.
Esau came in from the fields
Too hungry to think things through.
He asked his brother for a bowl,
Not considering what was at stake;
Esau sold his birthright
For some porridge's sake.

I stood and played with fire,
Toying with that bowl of stew.
I had a appetite for something
And didn't stop to think things through.
Victory was my birthright
Through the power of Christ's cross.
But I sold that birthright;
The battle I had lost.

I let that appetite rule me
Rather than choosing to reframe
The thoughts that I was having
By calling Jesus' name.
I missed out on a blessing
By failing to refrain.
Victory was my birthright
And a privilege I could claim.

But the truth I now am choosing.
I want God's best for me.
And I must control my appetites
To be alive and free.
As I stand upon that victory
And daily my mind renew,
I'll refuse to trade my birthright
For that measly bowl of stew.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I want my life
To make sense
In the light of Your gospel.

Consume me, Lord;
Teach me to follow You!

To give up those things
That don't matter
To Your kingdom.

To leave behind those distractions
That will burn as
Hay and stubble.

To know Your heart,
Your passion!

Raise up my generation,
And start with me!

Lord, make me worthy!
I give you everything:
And dreams.

Holy Spirit, fall on me!
Cleanse me.
Light the fire in my heart for

Help me to see
Those things which truly matter
To You!

Make me worthy to call myself a
To bear Your precious,
Holy name!

"Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ...standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents" (Phil 1: 27-28).

Known by Name

Cold ground against my back
Night sky against my face,
I look up to the heavens,
Moon and stars hung in space.

Tears roll down my cheeks
As I view the celestial spheres.
I cry out to Jesus
With all of my fears.

"I feel so lonely;
I need a friend."
He says, "I'm dependable
Until the end."

"I don't feel like
Anyone really cares."
"He says, "I know the numbers
Of your hairs."

"I want someone
To speak my name,
To know my heart,
To be the same."

He says," I know
Your name and heart
Like I know the stars
And the galaxy's start."

"I am dependable to the end
And faithful to My own.
I'm with you in your best moments
And when you feel alone."

"Come, My child, look to the sky
And know that I know all.
If I know the stars intimately,
Wouldn't I hear you when you call?"

"I care so much about your life
That I've promised to see you through.
Nothing that happens escapes my eye
I have an all-knowing view."

"So smile, my child, and dry your tears.
My hand take a hold of
For nothing can take you out of My hand
Or separate you from My love!"

"Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power not one is missing. Why do you say...“My way is hidden from the Lord... Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength" (Isaiah 40: 26-29).

Counting Each Breath

The clock downstairs chimes midnight,
And I still toss and turn,
Worrying about my circumstances
And letting my stomach churn.
Forgetting that my Protector
And my Provider my life keeps.
I close my eyes and try so hard
To doze off counting sheep.
Breathing in and out,
Hoping for sleep;

But the restless minutes continue.

But wait--I'm breathing in and out
While waiting for sleep.
Each breath because of the Holy One.
Instead of counting sheep,
I count each breath
All part of His amazing plan.
His awesomeness takes my breath away;
My life is from His hand.

In peace, I sleep.

"Who among you does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind" (Job 12: 9-10).

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free and Fully Alive

Can circumstances define me?
Can peril, flame, or sword
Separate me from the love
Found in Christ my Lord?
Can the setting of my life
Choose who I will be?
Or will I choose to rise above,
Living fully alive and free?

Circumstances do not control,
Cannot define my life.
Nothing can separate me from the love
That I find in Jesus Christ.
The setting that I find myself in
Does not choose my destiny.
I will choose to rise above
And live fully alive and free.

For if I live that is Christ
As I proclaim His name.
While seeking to be more like Him.
And I die, that's gain.
Death no longer has a sting.
When I live free and fully alive,
In death, my life will still witness of Him.
It is not death to die.

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"
(Phil 1:21).