Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free and Fully Alive

Can circumstances define me?
Can peril, flame, or sword
Separate me from the love
Found in Christ my Lord?
Can the setting of my life
Choose who I will be?
Or will I choose to rise above,
Living fully alive and free?

Circumstances do not control,
Cannot define my life.
Nothing can separate me from the love
That I find in Jesus Christ.
The setting that I find myself in
Does not choose my destiny.
I will choose to rise above
And live fully alive and free.

For if I live that is Christ
As I proclaim His name.
While seeking to be more like Him.
And I die, that's gain.
Death no longer has a sting.
When I live free and fully alive,
In death, my life will still witness of Him.
It is not death to die.

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"
(Phil 1:21).

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