Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Re-Defining Sin

 In an effort to be
Holy within,
I defined sin
I made my list
And checked it twice.
I would avoid evil
In all my life.
To me, sin was breaking
My list of rules
By following
The way of fools.
It was things that 
I shouldn't do
Because the Bible
Said not to.

And while sin can be
All this,
My list,

I realized that
In reality,
This view puts
The focus on me.
What I'm not doing,
And what I do.
But how would I know sin
Without the truth of You?
My focus needed
To be changed;
My mindset had
To be rearranged.

I questioned myself
In an effort to 
Honor You.

And now instead
Of avoiding sin
Because of my rules,
I'll think again.
I choose to avoid
Those things You dislike
Because I know what
You say is right.
I focus on You
Trust the commands you give;
Being all in
Is the way I'll live.

I have decided to 
Be holy within;
I re-define sin.

Sin is choosing
Not to trust Your word,
Not claiming the truth
That my prayers are heard.
For each evil deed
Starts with a doubt
That You have the answers
And best thoughts about
My life. No longer is my reason
Just don't or do.
I choose not sin because
I want to love You.

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

In the words of a beloved poet: "I desire to desire His desires." Love, Grandmama