Saturday, May 28, 2011

No Missing Tear (Psalm 56)

My enemy is against my very life
And torments me with words of strife,
Trying to get me to fall to sin
Twisting my words all around again.
My God, will You forget Your grace
Or hide Your face?

In You--You only--I put my trust;
I will fear nothing; I simply must
Rest in You.  You keep a list 
Of the tears I cry; not one is missed.
Oh, God, when their ridicule is appalling
You keep me from falling.

Your love-lit path is Grace applied,
May my life Your glory never hide!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time to Die

When morning light
Steals away the night
And I wake, I will draw nigh.
To my Savior-King
I yield everything;
For it's time to die.

When I hear sin's call
And I waver to fall
Just in time Jesus's name I cry.
Help me drop this fire;
It's not what I desire!
And it's time to die.

When my flesh is strong
Or my will is wrong
Or I'm believing Satan's lie,
True life I will seek--
Strength when I am weak--
Because it's time to die.

May I follow hard
After You, my Guard
From sin; May Your grace supply
My victory
And humility
When it's time to die.

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Gal 2: 20)

Monday, May 23, 2011

God, Listen! (Psalm 143)

My God and my King
To what I am asking!
And after hearing,
Answer me!

Oh, God do not base
Your help on my merit
For I have none.  But grace
May Your child inherit!

Satan seeks to knock me down
And into a corner back me,
Convincing me light cannot be found
And victory is utterly lacking.

I'm overwhelmed within, without;
My tears have become my friend.
I try to rehearse, even shout,
Of the wonders You did "back then."

I stretch my arms out to mirror my soul
"Oh to know You more," I cry.
As in a desert land, I wearily toil;
My heart is thirsty and dry.

Please answer me, Abba! And fast!
Lest my spirit break or I fall!
Don't turn away or shirk my grasp
For without You, I've nothing at all!

Point out the way that I must walk;
Give me clues to unveil my mystery.
May I not simply talk the talk!
From idols, may You set me free!

Save me from all those who hate
Your will; All my hope I will place
In Your grace and mercy, and I'll wait
In Your presence till You show Your face.

Teach me how to live to please
You only. Let Your truth be shown!
For Your name's sake, all my worries seize
And make Your glory known.

My God and my King
To what I am asking!
And after hearing,
Answer me!
I am Your servant.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Pain clouds your eyes,
And you try
To be
More Unique
More Beautiful
More Lovable
Less of a burden
Less weary
Less emotional
More Hopeful
More Helpful
More Holy
But do you not realize?

You are
So Much More
Than what you DO.
Your identity goes beyond
Your body, too.
Your brains do not say
Who you are,
And you treat those labels
Like make-up on a scar.

Do you not know?
You are
So Much More 
Than DO and DON'T;
Your identity goes beyond
How you'll act and how you won't.
Others' approval
Cannot control
Whether you feel 
Half or whole.

Only the promise
That His love never fails
Should define you;
Crown of thorns and the nails
And the life of One
Who was perfect and true
Can label you
Not what you DO.

Only that Savior
Who died for me
Says who I am;
I'm free
To simply BE
A new creature.
Fully alive.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nothing More Than More of You

Should I continue sinning--
Temptation winning--
That grace might prove true?
That's crazy!
I'm free,
And I need
Nothing more than more of You.

I stop my lying--
My pride denying--
In Christ I am made new.
I say no
That even so
I might know
Nothing more than more of You.

For more than rules I thirst;
The relationship comes first.
Still I do what I would not to do.
I will say yes
To Your best
And request
Nothing more than more of You.

No desire to sin have I
Through the strength of Jesus Christ.
There is no comdemnation of those who
You have lifted higher
Out of sin's mire.
I desire
Nothing more than more of You!