My God and my King
To what I am asking!
And after hearing,
Answer me!
Oh, God do not base
Your help on my merit
For I have none. But grace
May Your child inherit!
Satan seeks to knock me down
And into a corner back me,
Convincing me light cannot be found
And victory is utterly lacking.
I'm overwhelmed within, without;
My tears have become my friend.
I try to rehearse, even shout,
Of the wonders You did "back then."
I stretch my arms out to mirror my soul
"Oh to know You more," I cry.
As in a desert land, I wearily toil;
My heart is thirsty and dry.
Please answer me, Abba! And fast!
Lest my spirit break or I fall!
Don't turn away or shirk my grasp
For without You, I've nothing at all!
Point out the way that I must walk;
Give me clues to unveil my mystery.
May I not simply talk the talk!
From idols, may You set me free!
Save me from all those who hate
Your will; All my hope I will place
In Your grace and mercy, and I'll wait
In Your presence till You show Your face.
Teach me how to live to please
You only. Let Your truth be shown!
For Your name's sake, all my worries seize
And make Your glory known.
My God and my King
To what I am asking!
And after hearing,
Answer me!
I am Your servant.
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