Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nets Equipped

Before reading this poem, take in all the fullness of this verse: 
"Now may the God of peace, Who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus-the great Shepherd of the sheep--with the blood of the everlasting covenant, equip you with all that is good to do His will, working in us what is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ. 
Glory belongs to Him forever and ever. Amen.  (Hebrews 13:20-21)

And note this definition: 
Equip: Greek, Katartízō: "to refit, repair, mend that which is broken such as the nets (Matt 4:21; Mark 1:19). Metaphorically of a person in error, to restore, set right (Gal 6:1)... meaning to make a perfect fit, suitable, such as one should be, deficient in no part. Of persons (Luke 6:40; I Cor 1:10; II Cor 13:11; Heb 13:21; I Pet 5:10). 1

And finally, enjoy this quote that together with the verses and definition above inspired this poem: 
"God mends our pasts to tend to our futures. Every time we've been broken and then allowed God to repair us, that meaning becomes part of our equipping. All the pain we've endured. All the abuse and misuse. Every betrayal. Every wound. Where God mends, He equips...Don't you see it? If we still have life and breath, God can re-purpose every shred of havoc the Devil wreaks." 2

Nets Equipped

I had a few nets for various uses,
But over the years, they raveled and tore.
Heart break, mistakes, troubles, abuses.
With holes--why then fish? Thus confined to the shore,
I still wanted for more.
I'd cleaned out the bait shop; what else could I do?
Exhausted resources--I'd bought every thread.
I was out of commission--yet under review.
Nothing but failure looming ahead.
My heart filled with dread.
This was my profession, my sole form of living;
Without it--no purpose or feeling worthwhile.
But then I met Him--a kind man so giving.
He looked at me fondly and said with a smile,
"Hand them here, child."
With gentle hands the faulty nets tending,
He gave an offer to repair them to me.
And though I still felt they were much beyond mending,
I nodded a yes and said, "If you please."
He worked faithfully.
The material He used though seemed rather creative,
Especially on holes seemingly beyond repairing.
His methods--so seamless, so interrelated. 
So different and beautiful, I found myself staring.
Then He spoke to me, sharing:
"I repaired this with silver to meet someone's needs
And this one with flowers for planting of seeds.
I repaired this with Kleenex® to dry someone's tears
And this one with wavelengths to give you listening ears.
I repaired this with silly string to bring someone laughter
And this one with lumber--help rebuild from disaster.
I repaired this with heart strings to give you compassion
And this one with linen that you're clothed in strength's fashion.
I repaired this with diapers for the next generation
And this one with plane tickets to reach every nation.
I repaired this with darkness so the light is comparable
And this one with nothing for the impossible is repairable."
I have a few nets for various uses.
They all have their patches, an occasional rip.
But each net Christ mends. Opportunity produces
So that every single morning I will launch my ship.
My nets are equipped.

1 Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament (Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishers Inc.,1992).
   Beth Moore, Children of the Day: I and II Thessalonians (Nashville, TN: Lifeway Press, 2014).

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