Saturday, February 10, 2007

In the Secret of Thy Presence

In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
How great Thy goodness unto me!
In the secret places Thou hast kept me safely
Thou hast heard me when I’ve cried to Thee.
Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant.
Lead and guide me with the Shepherd’s rod.
For in Thee I’ve put my all, my being,
And my trust; I’ve said, “Thou art my God.”

In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
I will trust in the covert of Thy wings.
I rejoice, I am glad in all Thy mercies
Of Thy name forever will I sing.
When my heart is overwhelmed within me
Lead me to the Rock higher than I.
Thou hast been my Shelter and my Tower,
My Fortress, to which I quickly fly.

In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me.
In Thy shadow, Lord Almighty, I abide.
I shall not be afraid of tens of thousands
For I know Thou art always by my side.
Thou, the Lord, preserveth me from evil
Encompassing me by night and day.
In the secret of Thy presence Thou hast hid me
Satisfied, forever here I’ll stay.

Based on Psalm 31, 61, 91, 121
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 10, 2007
All rights reserved.
Opt. tune: Day by Day

1 comment:

Lisa Gilbreath said...

Dearest Miriam,

How I pray for you and the ministry to which our God has indeed called you. I was looking for the poem that you shared with me after our twins were ushered into the arms of Jesus, and ran across this poem. I just shared a testimony the other Sun night about specific incidents where without a doubt, I was completely hidden in the shadow of His wings. I'd like to share that story with you someday. I gave the testimony the Sun before WinterJam of 2014! And, oh, how hidden in the shadow of His wings were we on that treacherous journey. Much as you are daily, moment by moment hidden in the shadow of His wings in the calling He has now called you to. And, I fully believe he has indeed called you. We pray much for you, longing to soon also add a little support financially, as well. We are pleading with the LORD to help us through this time where my physical needs are so great and such a burden to our finances because we long to support those we KNOW He has called. I just want you to know I love you, and Jesus and I are praying much for you. May you feel protected and cared greatly for as you continue to fly in the Shadow of His Wings.