Thursday, February 14, 2008

As I Love Christ

I love thee as I love my Son
Thou art my very own.
I gave my Son to die for thee
That ye might have a home.
I’ve loved thee since before thy birth.
Before time had begun
I’d numbered the hairs on thy head
And knew them, ev’ry one.
I love thee more than tongue can tell
Than human hearts can know.
And just as I have known my Son
I’ve known thy heart also.
My Child, I love thee endlessly –
As endless as the sea.
I love thee as just I love Christ
Thou art special to Me.

My God loves me as He loves Christ;
What wondrous love is this!
What can I give Him in return?
For small are all my gifts.
I know what I shall give to Him,
Though even it is small.
He loves me as He loves His Son!
I’ll give to Him my All.

Based on John 17:23-26
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 14, 2008
All rights reserved.

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