Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Puzzle

Your life is like a million piece puzzle particularly placed by My hand.
Each color is joining to testify that beautiful is My plan.
You tend to see the pieces that lay beside in a pile.
But I see ahead to the finished work and I see the end all the while.
You tend to see the sharp corners, the bends, the jigsaw shape.
I see the puzzle completed and I make no mistakes!
You tend to try several pieces before you get the right one.
I‘ve not picked up the wrong piece once since the world has begun.
You tend to look for edge pieces and with those pieces start.
I always start with the middle; not the outward, but the heart.
You tend to come to a trouble spot you can’t add the pieces, you quit
I see trouble; I add even more. My picture grows from it.
Your life is like a puzzle and one day you will see
How faithful I was in designing your puzzle’s entirety.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 9, 2008
All rights reserved.

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