Thou art my Helper
In morning’s light.
Thou art my Keeper
In darkest night.
Thou my preserver.
In fiercest storm.
In calmest breezes
Thou art my Lord
Thou art my Guidance
In truth, Lord lead.
Thou art my Helper
The One I need.
Based on Psalm 121:1-2
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 31, 2008
All rights reserved.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
His Promises are Certain
His promises are certain
Firm ‘till the very end.
He will be ever with thee;
Jesus will be thy friend.
Nothing can from Him sever
He’s near both night and day.
For His blood washes ev’ry sinner’s sin away.
Praise Him for His promises are certain
Praise Him for in all He changes not.
He giveth blessings that long you have sought.
He is always faithful to His people
He will always walk the path with thee.
So with Him I will face the conflict singing joyfully.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 30, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Firm ‘till the very end.
He will be ever with thee;
Jesus will be thy friend.
Nothing can from Him sever
He’s near both night and day.
For His blood washes ev’ry sinner’s sin away.
Praise Him for His promises are certain
Praise Him for in all He changes not.
He giveth blessings that long you have sought.
He is always faithful to His people
He will always walk the path with thee.
So with Him I will face the conflict singing joyfully.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 30, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Take up the Banner
Take up the banner, raise it high
Unto me, you Lord, draw nigh.
Serve me with your heart, your all
Unto Me for wisdom call.
Take your banner!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 29, 2008
All rights reserved.
Unto me, you Lord, draw nigh.
Serve me with your heart, your all
Unto Me for wisdom call.
Take your banner!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 29, 2008
All rights reserved.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I Will Be Faithful
I will be faithful to Thee by night and day
Cause you to prosper in My way.
If you keep all My commandment you I will bless
With lengthy days, eternal rest.
Come My people follow Me only;
I your Leader ever will be.
Unto you ever I will be faithful.
Will you be faithful unto Me?
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Brethren We Have Met to Worship
Cause you to prosper in My way.
If you keep all My commandment you I will bless
With lengthy days, eternal rest.
Come My people follow Me only;
I your Leader ever will be.
Unto you ever I will be faithful.
Will you be faithful unto Me?
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Brethren We Have Met to Worship
Thursday, March 27, 2008
All that I Need
How oft my eyes turn from the Creator
How oft I fail to follow my Savior!
Christ came in love, by Him I am freed.
Jesus is all I need.
All that I need is Jesus
His love and saving grace.
His mercy, joy, and faithfulness
His hope and smiling face.
Earth’s pleasures seem so tempting, I falter
Until I lay my heart on the alter.
“Savior,” I cry. “Much tempted am I;
Only You satisfy!”
Now I yield all my life to His keeping
His harvest golden I want to be reaping
This treasure only can satisfy me
Closer, yea nigh to Thee.
Based on Psalm 86:1
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 27, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Now I Belong to Jesus
How oft I fail to follow my Savior!
Christ came in love, by Him I am freed.
Jesus is all I need.
All that I need is Jesus
His love and saving grace.
His mercy, joy, and faithfulness
His hope and smiling face.
Earth’s pleasures seem so tempting, I falter
Until I lay my heart on the alter.
“Savior,” I cry. “Much tempted am I;
Only You satisfy!”
Now I yield all my life to His keeping
His harvest golden I want to be reaping
This treasure only can satisfy me
Closer, yea nigh to Thee.
Based on Psalm 86:1
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 27, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Now I Belong to Jesus
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Unite My Heart
Unite my heart, put fire within
Teach me tof ear Thy name.
For Thou art Holy, without sin
And yet in love you came.
As dark’ning clouds rolled in about
The cross – so I might live –
You asked with your last dying shout:
“These sinners, Lord forgive!”
Unite my heart, O Lord
Unite my heart, O Lord.
Teach me Lord to walk in truth and fear Your holy name!
Unite my heart, put fire within
Cause me to hear Thy voice.
Lord cleanse my wayward soul from sin
In truth I will rejoice.
Cleansed by Thy blood in purity
Thy channel may I be.
Proclaiming the strong surety
Found only, Lord, in Thee.
Based on Psalm 86:11
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 26, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Faith is the Victory
Teach me tof ear Thy name.
For Thou art Holy, without sin
And yet in love you came.
As dark’ning clouds rolled in about
The cross – so I might live –
You asked with your last dying shout:
“These sinners, Lord forgive!”
Unite my heart, O Lord
Unite my heart, O Lord.
Teach me Lord to walk in truth and fear Your holy name!
Unite my heart, put fire within
Cause me to hear Thy voice.
Lord cleanse my wayward soul from sin
In truth I will rejoice.
Cleansed by Thy blood in purity
Thy channel may I be.
Proclaiming the strong surety
Found only, Lord, in Thee.
Based on Psalm 86:11
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 26, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Faith is the Victory
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
He Keepeth Truth Forever
Now praises sing all ye that trust
In God the Great and Mighty, Just.
He keepeth truth forever.
Truth He loves, but lies He hates
Walk His path, the narrow, straight.
He keepeth truth forever.
He knows each thought and ev’ry sin.
I will seek to follow Him.
He keepeth truth forever.
Based on Psalm 146:6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 25, 2008
All rights reserved.
In God the Great and Mighty, Just.
He keepeth truth forever.
Truth He loves, but lies He hates
Walk His path, the narrow, straight.
He keepeth truth forever.
He knows each thought and ev’ry sin.
I will seek to follow Him.
He keepeth truth forever.
Based on Psalm 146:6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 25, 2008
All rights reserved.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Who is this King of Glory?
Who is this King of Glory
Whom great and mighty is?
Who owneth all the cattle
And every hill is His
Who is this King of Glory
Who cometh in the gate?
People of God prepare a way
Before it is too late!
Who is this King of Glory
The Lord of Hosts is He.
“O Lord, I prepare Thee a way
And seek to follow Thee.”
Based on Psalm 24:8
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 24, 2008
All rights reserved.
Whom great and mighty is?
Who owneth all the cattle
And every hill is His
Who is this King of Glory
Who cometh in the gate?
People of God prepare a way
Before it is too late!
Who is this King of Glory
The Lord of Hosts is He.
“O Lord, I prepare Thee a way
And seek to follow Thee.”
Based on Psalm 24:8
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 24, 2008
All rights reserved.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Dawn
As it began to dawn upon that day
Three woman met and traveled to a tomb.
And while they pondered His life on the way
Their hearts were burdened with a heavy gloom.
Just days before they’d seen Him, their dear friend,
Healthy, serving God and full of life.
Just three short days; why did He have this end?
O, how they missed Him; their Lord Jesus Christ!
They came upon the tomb wherein He lay
But wait – no body in the tomb remained!
O why had someone taken Him away?
The women’s faces with pure grief were strained.
But then their hearts rejoiced – the angel said:
“He is not here – but risen from the dead!”
Based on Matthew 28:1-7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2008
All rights reserved.
Three woman met and traveled to a tomb.
And while they pondered His life on the way
Their hearts were burdened with a heavy gloom.
Just days before they’d seen Him, their dear friend,
Healthy, serving God and full of life.
Just three short days; why did He have this end?
O, how they missed Him; their Lord Jesus Christ!
They came upon the tomb wherein He lay
But wait – no body in the tomb remained!
O why had someone taken Him away?
The women’s faces with pure grief were strained.
But then their hearts rejoiced – the angel said:
“He is not here – but risen from the dead!”
Based on Matthew 28:1-7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2008
All rights reserved.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
As the Hart Seeketh
As the hart seeketh the cool, mountain river
So I seek Jesus, my longing to fill.
He and He only can quench my desire.
He leads my soul beside waters so still.
As the hart longs:
I long for Thee.
For you have spoken this to me:
“Though the night’s long
I give a song.
Come and I will satisfy Thee.”
Based on Psalm 42
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 22, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Under His Wings
So I seek Jesus, my longing to fill.
He and He only can quench my desire.
He leads my soul beside waters so still.
As the hart longs:
I long for Thee.
For you have spoken this to me:
“Though the night’s long
I give a song.
Come and I will satisfy Thee.”
Based on Psalm 42
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 22, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Under His Wings
Friday, March 21, 2008
Sing a Song of Vict’ry
Sing a song of vict’ry found in Jesus Christ
Sing of how He offers us eternal life.
Sing of how He gives us vict’ry over sin.
Bring your heart to Jesus and He will come enter in.
Sing a song of vict’ry – Jesus died for you.
Sing of how His life blood washes through and through.
Sing about redemption: Jesus paid our price.
Sing a song of praise unto our Savoir: Jesus Christ.
Sing a song of vict’ry – Christ rose from the grave.
Sing of how He came into this world to save.
Sing of how He’s coming, tell it near and far.
Sing a song to Jesus: “Lord, how wonderful you are!”
Based on I John 5:4-5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 21, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing of how He offers us eternal life.
Sing of how He gives us vict’ry over sin.
Bring your heart to Jesus and He will come enter in.
Sing a song of vict’ry – Jesus died for you.
Sing of how His life blood washes through and through.
Sing about redemption: Jesus paid our price.
Sing a song of praise unto our Savoir: Jesus Christ.
Sing a song of vict’ry – Christ rose from the grave.
Sing of how He came into this world to save.
Sing of how He’s coming, tell it near and far.
Sing a song to Jesus: “Lord, how wonderful you are!”
Based on I John 5:4-5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 21, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My Strength in the Day
The day has been long, but the Lord lasted longer
Than any struggle or trial I faced.
For ev’ry moment He gave me His mercy
Each situation was blessed by His grace.
For He is my strength, and I trust in Him only.
He ev’ry burden so lovingly bears
And so, I rejoice in His life everlasting
O, how great it is to know that Jesus cares!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 20, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: He Giveth More Grace when the Burdens Grow Greater
Than any struggle or trial I faced.
For ev’ry moment He gave me His mercy
Each situation was blessed by His grace.
For He is my strength, and I trust in Him only.
He ev’ry burden so lovingly bears
And so, I rejoice in His life everlasting
O, how great it is to know that Jesus cares!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 20, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: He Giveth More Grace when the Burdens Grow Greater
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
When I Was Overwhelmed
When I was overwhelmed within
You cleansed my erring heart from sin.
When I was overwhelmed without,
Your hand encompassed me about.
When I was overwhelmed with fright.
You assured me in darkest night.
When I was overwhelmed some days
You led me in Your perfect way.
As I am overwhelmed right now.
Upon my knees in prayer I bow.
My soul in overwhelment asks:
“O, help me Lord, and know my path!”
Based on Psalm 142:3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 19, 2008
All rights reserved.
You cleansed my erring heart from sin.
When I was overwhelmed without,
Your hand encompassed me about.
When I was overwhelmed with fright.
You assured me in darkest night.
When I was overwhelmed some days
You led me in Your perfect way.
As I am overwhelmed right now.
Upon my knees in prayer I bow.
My soul in overwhelment asks:
“O, help me Lord, and know my path!”
Based on Psalm 142:3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 19, 2008
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I Place My Heart into Your Hand
I place my heart into Your hand –
And wait for You to work Your plan.
You know my hope and inward thought
And thus my yielding You have sought.
I place my heart into Your Hand –
I can’t keep it, but Lord – you can.
Lord, make your face the One I seek;
Alone I am so very weak.
I place my heart into Your hand –
No knight from any home or land
Shall take it; only if You say:
“This is my man for You alway.”
I place my heart into Your hand –
Upon Your grace and truth I stand.
When tempted my pure treasure give
I’ll cry to You. For You I’ll live!
I place my heart into Your hand –
For only You can understand.
And one day I’ll look back and see
You truly knew the best for me.
Based on Proverbs 4:23, Jeremiah 24:6-7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 18, 2008
All rights reserved.
And wait for You to work Your plan.
You know my hope and inward thought
And thus my yielding You have sought.
I place my heart into Your Hand –
I can’t keep it, but Lord – you can.
Lord, make your face the One I seek;
Alone I am so very weak.
I place my heart into Your hand –
No knight from any home or land
Shall take it; only if You say:
“This is my man for You alway.”
I place my heart into Your hand –
Upon Your grace and truth I stand.
When tempted my pure treasure give
I’ll cry to You. For You I’ll live!
I place my heart into Your hand –
For only You can understand.
And one day I’ll look back and see
You truly knew the best for me.
Based on Proverbs 4:23, Jeremiah 24:6-7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 18, 2008
All rights reserved.
Monday, March 17, 2008
All Ye People of the Lord
All ye people of the Lord, clap your hands (clap, clap),
All ye people of the Lord, clap your hands (clap, clap),
For our God is Christ the Lord
So praise Him in one accord.
All ye people of the Lord, clap your hands (clap, clap).
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp),
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp),
He has led you in the way
He will be your Strength and Stay.
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus),
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus),
For the Lord, your God is King
Therefore unto His name sing.
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus).
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord),
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord),
King of all, how great Thou art.
Here I give Thee all my heart.
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord).
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!),
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!),
Much exalted may He be
Now and through eternity!
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!)
Based on Psalm 47
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 17, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
All ye people of the Lord, clap your hands (clap, clap),
For our God is Christ the Lord
So praise Him in one accord.
All ye people of the Lord, clap your hands (clap, clap).
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp),
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp),
He has led you in the way
He will be your Strength and Stay.
All ye people of the Lord, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus),
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus),
For the Lord, your God is King
Therefore unto His name sing.
All ye people of the Lord, shout His name (Jesus).
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord),
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord),
King of all, how great Thou art.
Here I give Thee all my heart.
All ye people your God is the Lord (is Lord).
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!),
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!),
Much exalted may He be
Now and through eternity!
All ye people of the Lord, do all four. (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Jesus is Lord!)
Based on Psalm 47
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 17, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
Sunday, March 16, 2008
No Plan B’s
No plan B’s, but give me Jesus,
I need Thee and Thou alone.
There is nothing nigh impossible
When Thou art on the throne
My Redeemer, Lamb of Calv’ry
If Thou couldst rise again.
Thou canst give me strength and vict’ry
Cleanse me from all of my sin.
No plan B’s but give me Jesus
As I travel on my way.
Naught too hard for Thee my Savoir
Thou givest strength unto my day
My Protector, Holy Savior,
If Thou couldst calm the sea.
Then I can do the impossible
Things with help from Thee.
No plan B’s, but give me Jesus,
Now and thru eternity.
Thou shalt be my Rock of Ages
And I shalt depend on Thee.
Strong Defender, Comfort, ever.
If Thou couldst heal the lame.
Then I shalt do the impossible
By power of Thy name.
Based on Matthew 14:28-29
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 16, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Take the World, But Give Me Jesus
I need Thee and Thou alone.
There is nothing nigh impossible
When Thou art on the throne
My Redeemer, Lamb of Calv’ry
If Thou couldst rise again.
Thou canst give me strength and vict’ry
Cleanse me from all of my sin.
No plan B’s but give me Jesus
As I travel on my way.
Naught too hard for Thee my Savoir
Thou givest strength unto my day
My Protector, Holy Savior,
If Thou couldst calm the sea.
Then I can do the impossible
Things with help from Thee.
No plan B’s, but give me Jesus,
Now and thru eternity.
Thou shalt be my Rock of Ages
And I shalt depend on Thee.
Strong Defender, Comfort, ever.
If Thou couldst heal the lame.
Then I shalt do the impossible
By power of Thy name.
Based on Matthew 14:28-29
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 16, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Take the World, But Give Me Jesus
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My God is Great
I know my God is great
The one of only Lord.
So call I all the people
Sing in one accord:
Thy name, O Lord, endures fore’er
For He Is mighty in the earth, yea everywhere.
I know my God is great
He made the skies and sea.
To think that such a Holy One
He cares for me!
Based on Psalm 135:5, 13
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 15, 2008
Opt. Tune: My Hope is in the Lord
The one of only Lord.
So call I all the people
Sing in one accord:
Thy name, O Lord, endures fore’er
For He Is mighty in the earth, yea everywhere.
I know my God is great
He made the skies and sea.
To think that such a Holy One
He cares for me!
Based on Psalm 135:5, 13
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 15, 2008
Opt. Tune: My Hope is in the Lord
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thou Art My King
Thou art my King, Thy servant I am.
I am the sinner, Thou art the Lamb.
Thou art my Strength, I – weak alone.
Thou art my Savior, I am Thy own.
Thou art my Hope, I am despair.
When I’m alone, then Thou art there.
Thou art my Light, I darkness know.
I am a black dirt, Thou – white as snow.
Thou art the Shelter, in whom I hide.
And when I wander, Thou art beside.
I struggle, cry, Thou makes me sing.
I am Thy servant, Thou art my King!
Based on Psalm 44:4
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 14, 2008
All rights reserved.
I am the sinner, Thou art the Lamb.
Thou art my Strength, I – weak alone.
Thou art my Savior, I am Thy own.
Thou art my Hope, I am despair.
When I’m alone, then Thou art there.
Thou art my Light, I darkness know.
I am a black dirt, Thou – white as snow.
Thou art the Shelter, in whom I hide.
And when I wander, Thou art beside.
I struggle, cry, Thou makes me sing.
I am Thy servant, Thou art my King!
Based on Psalm 44:4
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 14, 2008
All rights reserved.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You Know Me
Lord, You know me – sweet the thought.
Hidden secret I have not.
When I sit or when I rise
Still You are there, yes, close beside.
You compass me in the way
Protect me by Your hand each day.
Lord, You are my Strength and Stay.
Lord, I rejoice for You know me.
Lord, You know me – All my heart
So I give You every part.
You understand me--all I do,
So I place my trust in You.
Upon me You lay Your hand
Lead me, Lord, in Your perfect plan
‘Till I reach the Promised Land:
Lord, I rejoice for You will know me.
Based on Psalm 139:1-5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 13, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Jesus, Lover of My Soul (ABERYSTWYTH)
Hidden secret I have not.
When I sit or when I rise
Still You are there, yes, close beside.
You compass me in the way
Protect me by Your hand each day.
Lord, You are my Strength and Stay.
Lord, I rejoice for You know me.
Lord, You know me – All my heart
So I give You every part.
You understand me--all I do,
So I place my trust in You.
Upon me You lay Your hand
Lead me, Lord, in Your perfect plan
‘Till I reach the Promised Land:
Lord, I rejoice for You will know me.
Based on Psalm 139:1-5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 13, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Jesus, Lover of My Soul (ABERYSTWYTH)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A New Song
For Mrs. Paula...
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Even praise unto Thy name.
Thou hast taken all my sin away
Removing my guilt and shame.
Thou hast put a new song
In my mouth and heart.
It shall witness of Thee
Tell others I’m Set Apart.
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Thou hast heard my ev’ry cry.
Thou hast brought me from the miry clay
Thou art ever near, so nigh.
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Even praises unto Thee.
I will sing of all that Thou hast done
Now and thru eternity!
Based on Psalm 40:3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 12, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: There’s Within My Heart a Melody
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Even praise unto Thy name.
Thou hast taken all my sin away
Removing my guilt and shame.
Thou hast put a new song
In my mouth and heart.
It shall witness of Thee
Tell others I’m Set Apart.
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Thou hast heard my ev’ry cry.
Thou hast brought me from the miry clay
Thou art ever near, so nigh.
Thou hast put a new song in my heart
Even praises unto Thee.
I will sing of all that Thou hast done
Now and thru eternity!
Based on Psalm 40:3
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 12, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: There’s Within My Heart a Melody
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A House – Remodeler’s Prayer
Dear Lord,
It’s easy to grow weary,
Easier each passing day.
So I’m asking for you Grace –
For Thou art my Strength and Stay
Lord give me grace to handle
Unfinished projects here.
And help me see, with joyfulness,
The progress over there.
Lord give me grace to cope with nails,
Compressors in the den.
When something looms before me
Help me to just begin.
When I’m handed a wet paintbrush
Lord, help me not to whine.
For you will get this project done
In your own perfect time.
Lord, help me not to grumble
When I’m doing something hard
Like hauling torn-out sheetrock
Or cleaning out the yard.
Lord give me strength to lay that floor
Or mud the yonder wall.
And when I insulate the roof
Give grace Lord! I’m not tall!
So much I’ve done and learned in past
But now I press ahead.
And when I want to look to me.
I look to you instead.
And when a family member says:
“Nothing you did today.”
When in fact I know I did.
I’ll forgive them anyway.
Our house is still a piece of work
As it is far from quaint.
But instead of the whole, I’ll focus: today.
Dear Jesus, help me paint!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 11, 2008
All rights reserved.
It’s easy to grow weary,
Easier each passing day.
So I’m asking for you Grace –
For Thou art my Strength and Stay
Lord give me grace to handle
Unfinished projects here.
And help me see, with joyfulness,
The progress over there.
Lord give me grace to cope with nails,
Compressors in the den.
When something looms before me
Help me to just begin.
When I’m handed a wet paintbrush
Lord, help me not to whine.
For you will get this project done
In your own perfect time.
Lord, help me not to grumble
When I’m doing something hard
Like hauling torn-out sheetrock
Or cleaning out the yard.
Lord give me strength to lay that floor
Or mud the yonder wall.
And when I insulate the roof
Give grace Lord! I’m not tall!
So much I’ve done and learned in past
But now I press ahead.
And when I want to look to me.
I look to you instead.
And when a family member says:
“Nothing you did today.”
When in fact I know I did.
I’ll forgive them anyway.
Our house is still a piece of work
As it is far from quaint.
But instead of the whole, I’ll focus: today.
Dear Jesus, help me paint!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 11, 2008
All rights reserved.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thou Knowest My Ev’ry Thought
O Lord, Thou knowest my ev’ry thought
Whe’er it is joyful or distraught.
Through all my life I cry to Thee
For this I know: I am safe with Thee.
Each thought, each hope, yea, ev’ry desire.
Refine them in Thy cleansing fire.
That my one hope, desire would be
To think the thoughts that pleasest Thee!
O Lord, Thou knowest my thoughts within
Easy it is to dwell on sin.
Yet thine the love that shall endure.
Thus I fight to keep my thoughts pure.
O Lord, Thou knowest my thoughts each day.
O when I’m tempted – be my Stay!
I need Thee now; my mind renew
My heart I fix and focus eyes on You.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 10, 2008
All right reserved.
Opt. Tune: He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought
Whe’er it is joyful or distraught.
Through all my life I cry to Thee
For this I know: I am safe with Thee.
Each thought, each hope, yea, ev’ry desire.
Refine them in Thy cleansing fire.
That my one hope, desire would be
To think the thoughts that pleasest Thee!
O Lord, Thou knowest my thoughts within
Easy it is to dwell on sin.
Yet thine the love that shall endure.
Thus I fight to keep my thoughts pure.
O Lord, Thou knowest my thoughts each day.
O when I’m tempted – be my Stay!
I need Thee now; my mind renew
My heart I fix and focus eyes on You.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 10, 2008
All right reserved.
Opt. Tune: He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought
Sunday, March 9, 2008
That I Would Seek Thee Only
That I would seek You only;
This is my great desire:
That You would be my focus –
My All-Consuming Fire.
Your Word shall be my Witness
Your Wisdom fills my life.
I seek You only, ever,
Because of Jesus Christ.
Based on II Chronicles. 15 and 16
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 9, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
This is my great desire:
That You would be my focus –
My All-Consuming Fire.
Your Word shall be my Witness
Your Wisdom fills my life.
I seek You only, ever,
Because of Jesus Christ.
Based on II Chronicles. 15 and 16
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 9, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Summing Up Today
In summing up today
I would have to say:
Thou hast a perfect way
And that Thou wast my Stay.
Thank you, Lord.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 8, 2008
All rights reserved.
I would have to say:
Thou hast a perfect way
And that Thou wast my Stay.
Thank you, Lord.
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 8, 2008
All rights reserved.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
When I was made in secret
Your eyes beheld my form.
Yea, O Lord, You knew my soul.
Before I was born.
With loving hands and patient care
And wisest thoughts you knit
Each organ and each miracle
Of life – each one perfect.
My brain was made to think of You,
My ears to hear Your voice,
My eyes to see Your glory,
My heart to make a choice,
My hands to serve You only,
My mouth to talk of You,
And on throughout my body -
Each part Your will to do.
How perfect, Lord, Your wisdom
So, thus I will praise Thee.
Though all the universe is Thine
Thou choose to design me!
Yea, I will praise You all my days
Proclaiming Your great work.
And tell to others, one by one,
Your creation in birth.
Based on Psalm 5:5-6, Psalm 139: 13-19, Ecclesiastes 11;5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 7, 2008
All rights reserved.
Your eyes beheld my form.
Yea, O Lord, You knew my soul.
Before I was born.
With loving hands and patient care
And wisest thoughts you knit
Each organ and each miracle
Of life – each one perfect.
My brain was made to think of You,
My ears to hear Your voice,
My eyes to see Your glory,
My heart to make a choice,
My hands to serve You only,
My mouth to talk of You,
And on throughout my body -
Each part Your will to do.
How perfect, Lord, Your wisdom
So, thus I will praise Thee.
Though all the universe is Thine
Thou choose to design me!
Yea, I will praise You all my days
Proclaiming Your great work.
And tell to others, one by one,
Your creation in birth.
Based on Psalm 5:5-6, Psalm 139: 13-19, Ecclesiastes 11;5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 7, 2008
All rights reserved.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Come and Hear
All ye that fear the Lord Most High.
He is my Rock, to Him I fly.
With praises singing to Him am I.
Now come and hear.
I cried to Him when in great distress
He brought my soul security, rest.
Still by His saving love I am blest.
Now come and hear.
Verily, He doth hear my voice
As I choose to make Him my first choice
And in his presence I now rejoice.
Now come and hear.
He has not turned His ear from my prayer.
Daily on him I cast all my care.
All hath done for me I declare.
Now come and hear.
Based on Psalm 66:16 - 20
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 6, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: The Strife is O’er, the Battle’s Done
He is my Rock, to Him I fly.
With praises singing to Him am I.
Now come and hear.
I cried to Him when in great distress
He brought my soul security, rest.
Still by His saving love I am blest.
Now come and hear.
Verily, He doth hear my voice
As I choose to make Him my first choice
And in his presence I now rejoice.
Now come and hear.
He has not turned His ear from my prayer.
Daily on him I cast all my care.
All hath done for me I declare.
Now come and hear.
Based on Psalm 66:16 - 20
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 6, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: The Strife is O’er, the Battle’s Done
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
This I Know
This I know, that God is for me;
I will put my trust in Him.
Mine enemies are great and many
But with God I fear not them.
When I cry until my Savoir
He will hear my feeble cry.
He puts my tears into a bottle,
He cares for me, the Lord Most High.
The Lord hath kept my feet from falling
With Him I am not afraid -
For upon His truth I’m standing
Sheltered there I’m firm and stayed.
This I know, that God is for me.
He is with me all the way.
I will praise Him for His mercy.
I will follow Him each day.
Based on Psalm 56
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 5, 2008
All rights reserved.
I will put my trust in Him.
Mine enemies are great and many
But with God I fear not them.
When I cry until my Savoir
He will hear my feeble cry.
He puts my tears into a bottle,
He cares for me, the Lord Most High.
The Lord hath kept my feet from falling
With Him I am not afraid -
For upon His truth I’m standing
Sheltered there I’m firm and stayed.
This I know, that God is for me.
He is with me all the way.
I will praise Him for His mercy.
I will follow Him each day.
Based on Psalm 56
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 5, 2008
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Christ is the Answer
Christ is the Answer
For the longing heart.
With His sweet love
He fills every part.
Christ is the Answer
For the dying soul.
In grace he died
That man might be whole.
Christ is the Answer
For the searching mind
He is understanding
In wisdom divine.
Christ is the Answer
Yea, none but Christ.
So I will trust Him
Throughout all my life.
Based on I Peter 3:15
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 4, 2008
All rights reserved.
For the longing heart.
With His sweet love
He fills every part.
Christ is the Answer
For the dying soul.
In grace he died
That man might be whole.
Christ is the Answer
For the searching mind
He is understanding
In wisdom divine.
Christ is the Answer
Yea, none but Christ.
So I will trust Him
Throughout all my life.
Based on I Peter 3:15
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 4, 2008
All rights reserved.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Rejoice, Ye People
Rejoice, ye people in the Lord
And be exceeding glad.
Strong in the Lord and by His grace
With robes of salvation clad.
Rejoice ye people in His works
How marvelous and grand.
He spoke the word and it was done
From dew drop to heav’nly span.
Rejoice ye people when your hart
Is tempted to do wrong.
He giveth grace in temptation
In darkness He gives a song.
Rejoice ye people when the way
Leads through a thorny path.
Through mountains, valleys, stormy gale,
Still on thy Truth stand fast.
Rejoice ye people in all things
Give thanks forevermore.
In faith rejoice and thus so be
Exceeding glad in Thy Lord.
Based on Matthew 5:12
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 3, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: O God, Our Help is Ages Past
And be exceeding glad.
Strong in the Lord and by His grace
With robes of salvation clad.
Rejoice ye people in His works
How marvelous and grand.
He spoke the word and it was done
From dew drop to heav’nly span.
Rejoice ye people when your hart
Is tempted to do wrong.
He giveth grace in temptation
In darkness He gives a song.
Rejoice ye people when the way
Leads through a thorny path.
Through mountains, valleys, stormy gale,
Still on thy Truth stand fast.
Rejoice ye people in all things
Give thanks forevermore.
In faith rejoice and thus so be
Exceeding glad in Thy Lord.
Based on Matthew 5:12
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 3, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: O God, Our Help is Ages Past
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I Am Thy Holy One
I am Thy Holy One,
Thy Creator and Thy King.
The Mighty God of heav’n and earth of whom all nature sings.
The God who parts the sea
Who makes the mountains fall.
Yea, I will listen for Thy voice
And answer thy ev’ry call.
I am Thy Holy One, I know Thy hairs by Name.
The God of day and the God of night, from age to age the same.
The God before all else,
the God of vict’ry past.
I am the Lord, Thy Holy One,
I AM, the First and Last.
Based on Isaiah 43:15-17
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 2, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: This is My Father’s World
Thy Creator and Thy King.
The Mighty God of heav’n and earth of whom all nature sings.
The God who parts the sea
Who makes the mountains fall.
Yea, I will listen for Thy voice
And answer thy ev’ry call.
I am Thy Holy One, I know Thy hairs by Name.
The God of day and the God of night, from age to age the same.
The God before all else,
the God of vict’ry past.
I am the Lord, Thy Holy One,
I AM, the First and Last.
Based on Isaiah 43:15-17
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 2, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: This is My Father’s World
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I Will Triumph
Lord, I will triumph in Your works
The creations of Your hand.
For great are they, and marvelous
According to Your plan.
Your thoughts, O Lord, are very deep -
With depths more than the sea.
To think that such a God on high
Would know and care for me!
Lord I will triumph in Your works,
From grass blade to hardwood tree.
The mountains do declare Your praise
Your strength in the plains I see.
O Lord, most high forevermore,
Lord, Yours the glory be.
What joy to know or even to think--
You came to earth for me!
Based on Psalm 92:4,5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 1, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: I Sing the Mighty Power of God
The creations of Your hand.
For great are they, and marvelous
According to Your plan.
Your thoughts, O Lord, are very deep -
With depths more than the sea.
To think that such a God on high
Would know and care for me!
Lord I will triumph in Your works,
From grass blade to hardwood tree.
The mountains do declare Your praise
Your strength in the plains I see.
O Lord, most high forevermore,
Lord, Yours the glory be.
What joy to know or even to think--
You came to earth for me!
Based on Psalm 92:4,5
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 1, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: I Sing the Mighty Power of God
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