Sunday, March 16, 2008

No Plan B’s

No plan B’s, but give me Jesus,
I need Thee and Thou alone.
There is nothing nigh impossible
When Thou art on the throne
My Redeemer, Lamb of Calv’ry
If Thou couldst rise again.
Thou canst give me strength and vict’ry
Cleanse me from all of my sin.

No plan B’s but give me Jesus
As I travel on my way.
Naught too hard for Thee my Savoir
Thou givest strength unto my day
My Protector, Holy Savior,
If Thou couldst calm the sea.
Then I can do the impossible
Things with help from Thee.

No plan B’s, but give me Jesus,
Now and thru eternity.
Thou shalt be my Rock of Ages
And I shalt depend on Thee.
Strong Defender, Comfort, ever.
If Thou couldst heal the lame.
Then I shalt do the impossible
By power of Thy name.

Based on Matthew 14:28-29
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 16, 2008
All rights reserved.
Opt. Tune: Take the World, But Give Me Jesus

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