Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Dawn

As it began to dawn upon that day
Three woman met and traveled to a tomb.
And while they pondered His life on the way
Their hearts were burdened with a heavy gloom.

Just days before they’d seen Him, their dear friend,
Healthy, serving God and full of life.
Just three short days; why did He have this end?
O, how they missed Him; their Lord Jesus Christ!

They came upon the tomb wherein He lay
But wait – no body in the tomb remained!
O why had someone taken Him away?
The women’s faces with pure grief were strained.

But then their hearts rejoiced – the angel said:
“He is not here – but risen from the dead!”

Based on Matthew 28:1-7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2008
All rights reserved.

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