Sunday, December 25, 2011
That Blessed Hope
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Big Enough
Just like the monoliths that tower above the city streets
Look so much bigger in person than what most generally meets
The eye when you look at pictures, that's what I'm like--enhanced,
So powerful and above all. You must do more than glance.
Refuse to rely on pictures that others give you of Me.
Draw near and take in My glory. Know firsthand My majesty.
I'm big enough to hold your hand in the crowded ways you face.
I'm big enough to meet your needs with My relentless grace.
I'm big enough to grant you strength to share My hope with them.
I'm big enough to pick you up when you fall and yield to sin.
I'm big enough to orchestrate all out for your best good.
I'm big enough to help you do things you never could.
I'm big enough to handle the moments when you cry.
I'm big enough to take it if you need to ask me why.
I'm big enough to sing with you when sun in your life shines.
I'm big enough on cloudy days to whisper "You are Mine."
I'm big enough to satisfy your hunger and your thirst.
I'm big enough to help you when your life yield you the worst.
I'm big enough to give you joy when the roadway seem too rough.
I promise you, my child. Be still. I am big enough.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Abba, Why?
Sunday, September 4, 2011
You Make My Heart Sing
And keep me down low,
When my future looks scary
And I don't even know
What I'm doing in this world,
When I'm tired of the pain,
When my sky is unviewable
Through the deluge of rain,
When the enemy attacks me
With outrageous fears,
When my body is aching
And I've cried all my tears,
When my throat is all scratchy
From calling your name,
When the fire of my joy
Is a mere struggling flame,
When I look at my friends lives
And I'm tempted to covet,
When I slip and forget I'm
In the world not of it,
When I recite the answers
In lifeless intonation,
When others don't listen
Or raise expectations,
When I wonder if I'll
Ever hear Your voice,
Then You send the assurance
And then I rejoice.
For I know You are worthy
And control all things,
When in the darkest times
You make my heart sing.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Looking over Jerusalem
Jesus wept
As the people performed
And opportunity was swept
Under the Rug of
Passing Time.
They misunderstood
The meaning of prime
-----And then He was gone.
Looking over our cities,
Jesus weeps.
For superficial religion
And performance keep
Us from Abba
And being a part
Of relationship
And Jesus' heart
-----That longs to give us rest.
Looking over my city,
My friends,
I weep for those who
View works as an end
To righteousness;
They do,
Forgetting Grace
And You.
------Caught in the clasp of Legalism.
Looking over Your people,
I pray
That You would reveal
Your gospel-filled way.
May my friends and I
Seek to know
The Giver of Life
And in You grow
-----That Christ might smile.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Verbs of Restoration
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
No Missing Tear (Psalm 56)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Time to Die
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Gal 2: 20)
Monday, May 23, 2011
God, Listen! (Psalm 143)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Nothing More Than More of You
Temptation winning--
That grace might prove true?
That's crazy!
I'm free,
And I need
Nothing more than more of You.
I stop my lying--
My pride denying--
In Christ I am made new.
I say no
That even so
I might know
Nothing more than more of You.
For more than rules I thirst;
The relationship comes first.
Still I do what I would not to do.
I will say yes
To Your best
And request
Nothing more than more of You.
No desire to sin have I
Through the strength of Jesus Christ.
There is no comdemnation of those who
You have lifted higher
Out of sin's mire.
I desire
Nothing more than more of You!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Here Christ Stands
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I'm Speechless
Lift my hands toYou alone,
"O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding Your power and glory. Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name I will lift up my hands." (Psalm 63:1-4)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Re-Defining Sin
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Have Mercy, My King!
Friday, April 8, 2011
You Talk Of...
You talk of freedom
Thursday, April 7, 2011
One of Those Days
It was one of those days.
Monday, April 4, 2011
May I Do What You Bless
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Words--those spoken sounds used many ways
To tell You how I feel; my voice I raise
To weave those morphemes together in a song,
Trying to explain You and knowing all along
I need words as deep as the sea
To explain the joy You've given to me.
I need You.
Words--the music of the human tongue
That into complex sentences I have strung
To seek to praise; I know that even then
To praise You human words cannot begin.
I need words as high as the stars
To attempt to describe Who You are.
I need You.
Words--units of speech that I explore
With my life, and yet I want You more.
With words and pen and page, I feel alive
And yet with the True Word I simply thrive.
I need words beyond my speech
I'm humbled by how out they're of reach.
I need You.
Words--those syllables of which this poem is made--
The utterance of a child who was a slave
Until You freed me. My Abba-King, I pray
Hear my man-made words today!
I need words more intense than my longing
To explain the glory to You belonging.
I need You!
Friday, March 25, 2011
I Will Lift You Up Again
"Let go of the wall," Daddy calls.
"You'll never learn that way."
But I grip the wall around the skating
Rink in complete dismay.
I can't further my chance of learning
To skate if I don't let go.
But I'm scared to face my fear
So I hear myself say "no."
"Let go of what makes you,
Feel sure and safe on your own,"
Abba calls, but I grip my wants
And make my desires known.
I can't further my relationship
With God if I don't let go.
But I'm scared to face my fear
So I hear myself say "no."
What if I fall?
What if I loose
Of my views
Of perfection?
What if I hit
The ground?
Can't be found
In God's will?
What if it hurts?
What if I fail?
What if my arms flail?
What if I cry?
What if I land
In a heap
With no plan?
Yet I must try;
I let go and
Skate out in the open
Until I land
On my rear.
A tear
Till I see a hand.
Close beside
Daddy stands.
Close beside
Abba stands.
With better plans.
He holds His hand out to me,
And I hear Him whisper, "See?
When you held those things you left behind,
You lacked a hand to hold Mine.
While you may fall and hit the ground,
As long as you are in Me found,
Grace abounds.
Keep your hands free
Don't foolishly
Fill them
With sin."
"Keep them lifted up to Me
And empty of life's depravity.
For then when you crash
You can easily grasp
My hand."
"Face your fear.
I am here.
You may fall
But you need only call."
"Humble yourself within
And I will lift you up again."
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Still More Chapters
The Redeeming One--
To free the slaves,
To seek and save.
But He broke the bread
Said He'd soon be dead.
All felt the gloom
In the upper room.
But there's still more chapters...
The truth He'd spoke
As the bread He broke;
On the cross he'd cried
As He suffered and died.
Wasn't He the King
Who could do something?
But through the cross
Was all lost?
Wait! There's still more chapters...
The darkness quakes
As dawn breaks;
He is the King!
Death has no sting.
He rules and reigns;
Hell has no chains.
The empty grave
Proves He saves.
And there's still more chapters...
I feel the strain
Buckle under the pain
Where is His hand,
His providential plan?
I'm tempted to doubt
And control my route,
But I'll trust His care
Confident that there's
Still more chapters.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Invisible Jello
Chatting when you catch my eye.
You make me laugh, I turn
Away to hide how much I yearn
To hug you. I fear I'll show
You that I've turned to jello.
Afraid that you can see
Right through me
Until I recall
You can't see me at all.
You don't know I exist,
And it comes down to this:
I'm invisible jello
Wanting you to know--
I love you.
What you see as your buffoonery
Endears you to me.
With your sheepish grin
You draw me in.
You call yourself unworthy
Of love, but I disagree.
If you only knew
How I care for you!
And yet, you don't know;
Still I turn to jello,
Wishing you knew I exist.
But it comes down to this:
I'm invisible jello
Wanting you to know--
I love you.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Prayer to the God of Providence...
And I come to You seeking.
My thirsty soul is longing
And my parched lips are speaking.
There's chaos all around me
When I try to find my life.
As I seek wisdom from counselors,
I meet only with strife.
I want to see Your heart, Lord
And follow all You would!
I know the hand of Providence
Brings both calamity and good,
Because of this, I worship
And lift my hands in praise.
Blessed be Your name, O Lord!
No matter the questions raised
By my human heart. I can rest
In the work of Christ. I know
Grace grows best in winter,
But mercy will melt the snow.
If saints like David, Daniel,
Or Ruth could trust Your name
Without the revelation of
Hope when Jesus came,
Then how can I--saved by grace
Through faith--go down to defeat?
For my God, You're in control
And in You, I am complete.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I Want to Hear
Because of lies
For hope in her mess,
Nothing less.
I hear my name;
I'm called to proclaim:
He came.
His word is true,
And He makes new.
I stand still
To hear His will?
My heart with Yours;
Lord, open doors.
Of You, less of me.
Only You can set free.
My plea
Is to show her
That pain You cure.
Lord, here I am;
I seek Your plan.
You can
Soften hearts
And give me a part.
To work; they cry
In Satan's lies.
I incline my ear;
I want to hear.
Draw near!
All You say is true,
And things that praise You
I'll do.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My Goodness
Am I following You in vain?
What are You doing? What are You up to?
Can't You hear me speak Your name?
I can't tell Your people how I feel,
But I'm questioning. God, please hear my cry!
Everything is difficult; life is painful.
What is this old world coming to? My,
Lord, I come into Your presence,
Throw my thirsty soul to Your grace.
Suddenly, I see You, Your perspective.
I weep for joy; You show Your face!
I see the realities of their "prosperity,"
How their destruction lies nearby.
You hear my voice; You know my pain.
Why did I doubt You? My,
You hold my hand; I see it now.
You guide and counsel, never leave.
You're the One that I desire;
I run to You; You're All to me!
My flesh and my heart both fail,
But You're my Strength; Lord, You draw nigh
To me as I draw nigh to You.
No matter what I know You are my
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Dropping Sticks of Prayer
Soaring higher to the peak
Of the mountain, looking for her friend,
Her heart to speak.
She finds him sitting high
Upon the tallest limb
Thinks longingly with a bird sigh,
"I'm in love with him."
She drops the stick she clutches,
Hoping that he will see.
The gesture his heart touches,
And he swoops down from his tree.
He grasps the stick she carried
And her heart goes pitter-pat.
They might be getting married!
And she tries again; with that
She shows him over again
How she feels and waits.
He catches the stick and then
Asks her on a date.
Together, up and up they fly
Until they go much higher
Than they will ever go in the future
Or ever have gone prior.
When they reach the summit the male
Eagle's talons with the female's lock;
They pull in their wings as wind assails
And drop through the air like a rock.
Their trust in each other placed,
They wait until the very end
To spread their wings and soar with grace
To be life-partner friends.
I drop sticks for you
From the mountain tops of prayer
Asking God to
Let you see me and care.
Longing for you to catch
My thoughts that I wish you
Could see as I watch
What you do,
But I know that I can't tell,
And it tears me apart.
I can't hint about my feelings;
I give God my heart.
I'm longing to make the upward assent
With you by my side,
To know you to a great extent
And in you confide.
But for now I wait
Simply dropping those sticks of prayer,
Seeking my emotions to abate,
My heart with God share.
For He has a plan.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Find Me, Bind Me, and Remind Me
And hopes are dim,
Will You look for me?"
"Child, I know each day,
Hopes are never slim.
I find every absentee."
"When I loose love's chains,
From Your victory run,
Will we stay apart?"
"No, My grace remains.
I have already begun
To bind you back to My heart."
"When I forget my name
And who I am.
Will I be too far?"
And have a plan.
I will remind you who you are."
"At the end of all your faith,
To the end of all your days,
Remember Me; You need
Not dread in all your ways.
Child, there's nothing left to fear.
I am here."
"So when I lose my way, find me; when I loose love's chains, bind me; at the end of all my faith to the end of all my days, when I forget my name, remind me..." ~ Andrew Peterson, Dancing in the Minefields
Safe in the Tower

My life is still devoid
Of adventure, substance, meaning;
Fleeting pleasures I've enjoyed.
But God, inside my soul,
There's a hunger, there's a thirst
To know Your very Essence
And to in You be immersed.
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Great I AM, Abundant Life,
Will You make my living rife?
Show me Your glory!
Oh, Eternal Present Tense--
I AM--Live in me,
And be my one Defense.
In the midst of all this chaos,
For so many things I cry.
I'm in need of Your provision,
Long to hear Your calm reply.
And God, inside my soul,
There's worry, many fears.
Will you show me Your supply
That never disappears?
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Jehovah Jireh, My supplier
Will you hear of my desire?
Show me Your glory!
Let me see Your face!
Omniscient One, be
My one Hiding Place.
In the midst of all this chaos
Is a battleground--my mind.
And I'm failing in the conflict,
One action at the time.
But God, inside my soul,
There's a longing to be free,
To know Your healing power
And to beat the enemy.
Will You make Your name my Tower?
Will You, LORD my Banner,
Show me triumph's manner?
Show me Your glory!
Trials will end in jubilation.
Jehovah Nessi--Move in me
And be my Preservation.
In the midst of all this chaos,
I see my needs increase.
I'm tired and I'm struggling
And I long so much for peace.
And God, inside my soul,
There's no hope, no way to turn.
Will you show me Your full Presence?
May I of Your friendship learn?
Will You make Your name my Tower?
LORD of Lords and Prince of Peace.
Will you make each striving cease?
Show me Your glory!
Peace and Pain juxtapose.
Jehovah Salom--Rest in me,
And be my Repose.
So many other names You have;
Unveiling You has just begun.
But may each name be the Tower
To which I quickly run.
A shelter from the struggle,
I'll find in Your embrace
Each time I reach the tower
I will be in You--safe.
"The name of the LORD is a strong Tower; the righteous man runs to it and is safe." (Proverbs 18:10)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Like Water in an Icy Stream...

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Your Nearness is My Good
With all that is within me,
I thirst to thirst for You.
You are the One I’m living for;
I want to want Your Truth.
I desire to desire Your desires
And to Your heart draw near,
To live Coram Deo
And to know Your presence here.
I know that You are Holy One,
And You I long to praise.
But I also know You’re “God with Us,”
Emmanuel, everyday.
No matter where I find myself
I want Your heart my heart to fill,
And the closer that I am to You,
I hope to be yet closer still.
I want to live in Your presence
And give You the praise that I should.
Like Moses, I cry, “Show me Your glory!”
Your nearness is my good.
~ ~ ~
“Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever… As for me, the nearness of God is my good…” (Psalm 73:25,26, 28).
~ ~ ~
“O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, "Rise up, any love, my fair one, and come away." Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long.” ~A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Carrying His Name
Monday, January 3, 2011
Refuse to Trade that Birthright
Stirring a pot of stew.
Esau came in from the fields
Too hungry to think things through.
He asked his brother for a bowl,
Not considering what was at stake;
Esau sold his birthright
For some porridge's sake.
I stood and played with fire,
Toying with that bowl of stew.
I had a appetite for something
And didn't stop to think things through.
Victory was my birthright
Through the power of Christ's cross.
But I sold that birthright;
The battle I had lost.
I let that appetite rule me
Rather than choosing to reframe
The thoughts that I was having
By calling Jesus' name.
I missed out on a blessing
By failing to refrain.
Victory was my birthright
And a privilege I could claim.
But the truth I now am choosing.
I want God's best for me.
And I must control my appetites
To be alive and free.
As I stand upon that victory
And daily my mind renew,
I'll refuse to trade my birthright
For that measly bowl of stew.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Known by Name
"Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power not one is missing. Why do you say...“My way is hidden from the Lord... Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength" (Isaiah 40: 26-29).
Counting Each Breath
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Free and Fully Alive
Can peril, flame, or sword
Separate me from the love
Found in Christ my Lord?
Can the setting of my life
Choose who I will be?
Or will I choose to rise above,
Living fully alive and free?
Circumstances do not control,
Cannot define my life.
Nothing can separate me from the love
That I find in Jesus Christ.
The setting that I find myself in
Does not choose my destiny.
I will choose to rise above
And live fully alive and free.
For if I live that is Christ
As I proclaim His name.
While seeking to be more like Him.
And I die, that's gain.
Death no longer has a sting.
When I live free and fully alive,
In death, my life will still witness of Him.
It is not death to die.
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"
(Phil 1:21).