Monday, March 28, 2005

Give Me a Life

Give me a song to sing for You--
A song of endless love,
A song of Jesus Christ who died
To rise and reign above.
Give me Your joy to spread for You,
Your peace and hope to give--
The story of how Jesus died
That those who die might live.

Give me a love that shines for You
That all the world might know
How Jesus came and pardoned me
And washed me white as snow.
Give me a friend to point to You
In joy or under stress,
To point them toward the easy yoke
Into Your place of rest.

Give me a soul to reach for You
To witness of Your hand,
To tell of Christ and Calvary
And of Salvation’s plan.
Give me a task to do for You.
Lord, this my earnest plea:
Lord, let me point some soul today
To Christ of Calvary!

Give me Your grace to follow You
In pastures green and sweet,
In valleys when the storms arise,
On mountains rough and steep.
Give me a heart to learn of You.
Lord, make me humble, meek.
That all I say might honor You
‘Till You are all I seek.

Give me a life to live for You.
The glory – Yours alone.
That I might true and faithful be
Until You call me home!
Give me desire deep within
To answer to Your call.
Give me a faith to give to You
My heart, my life, my all.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2005
All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Clock of Eternity

The clock’s undaunted rhythm measures time;
How fast the precious moments ever fleet!
The clanging of another hour’s chime
Tells of three thousand souls that ever sleep.

O, but if only one had cared to tell
Those souls of how a Savior died in love!
Instead, for those who morn and cry in hell,
In victr’y they might live with God above.

The clock’s undaunted rhythm carries on;
The seconds and the minutes know not rest.
O Christian, will you tell of Christ the Son?
Procrastination never more molest!

As time continues, I will shout, proclaim
To all the world Christ’s holy, saving name!
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 10, 2005
All rights reserved.