Tuesday, April 19, 2005

We Will Remember!

We will remember Thy holy name.
Thy love and mercy, O Lord proclaim!
Thy name, how wondrous, precious to me!
Thy love and mighty hand setteth free!

We will remember Thy mighty voice
Though others mock thee – Thou art our choice!
Make me a witness, Lord, of thy way.
Thy law and judgments, Lord to obey.

We will remember Thy saving love.
O that another might look above!
Victor of Calv’ry, Thy blood outpoured.
We will remember – Thou art the Lord!

Based on Psalm 20: 5-9
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 19, 2005
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

He Shall Sustain Thee

He shall sustain thee when thou walkest
Over the mountains, rigged and steep.
Strong is His promise, “I will be with thee,”
Christ from temptation, thy weary soul keep.

God shall sustain thee
Thou shalt prevail!
In all, thou knowest,
He doth things well!

He shall sustain thee when thou failest
His hand shall guide Thee when thou doth fall!
Draw near to Jesus, His hand supplying,
All that thou needest ‘till Christ is thine all.

He shall sustain thee in thy sorrow,
In peace and blessings, in ev’ry joy.
Through days of blessings through ev’ry trial
Sweet songs of Jesus, my tongue shall employ!

He shall sustain thee in the sunshine
He shall sustain thee all through the storm!
All through the darkness, Jesus shall guide thee,
Until the dawning light of the new morn!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 6, 2005
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Precious Souls

Precious souls that seek redemption
God in mercy shall redeem!
Who will tell them of salvation
And of Calv’ry’s cleansing stream?

Precious souls that long for Jesus.
Will you tell them of His love?
Let me witness, precious Savior
That a soul might look above!

Precious souls that seek the Savior,
That are wand’ring in the night.
Christ will welcome unto glory
He shall make their darkness bright!

Precious souls that seek a purpose
A new purpose, God doth give.
Christ hath changed my life and future
Unto Him I wholly live!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 5, 2005
All rights reserved.
From Psalm 49: 8