Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Cross

The Cross

Quinn Davis and Miriam Rainwater

June – August 2006

A precious promise tried and true

From God a gift for me and you.

On a hill t’was given free –

The tree.

Redemption from the stains of sin,

I’m turned around, I’m changed within.

Since I washed within the flood –

His blood.

I sought salvation full and free

And found it without cost or fee.

The flood engulfed me from above –

His love.

Mercy flickers there

The gift of life their bearer wears

In them shines pain as He cries --

His eyes.

Made of briers and thorny vines

Worn because of sin like mine,

Made to shame and bring Him down –

His crown.

Stripped of the few things He owned.

Yet, hear the ever-loving moan:

“Lord, forgive them, everything!” –

My King.

The Father turns from the Son

He man’s sin must shun

The Lamb faces joy’s thief –


Jesus draws in His last breath

And gladly welcomes the Angel of Death.

Glory! He’s paid the price! He’s –

The Ultimate Sacrifice.

As He died the veil was torn.

All my sin and shame He’d borne.

Pierced because of foolish pride –

His side.

Black as night, like stains of sin

The Father could not look on Him.

Because of sinners such as I –

The sky.

She looks in His face and sees pain no more

“After He defies death He’ll reach heaven’s shores.”

She remembers all they meant to each other –

His mother.

The pits of hell echo a terrible scream:

“Jesus has died!” Is it a dream?

Man from the bonds of death is free!


In horror I began to see

What had nailed Him to that tree.

In shame I looked away from Him –

My sin.

Realization struck my soul

He suffered that I might be whole.

He died, I began to see –

For me.

I saw Him hanging there;

Ev’ry man’s sin this Man did bear.

He’d die to make man whole, and save

Their souls.

I’ve found the peace

My amazement will never cease.

I’ve found Divine Romance –

A second chance.

Although a King, He had no grave,

He had come the world to save.

A friend took pity, gave Him room –

His tomb.

There’s been a sadness in us all,

Although Christ freed us from the fall.

But Jesus promised He would raise –

Three days.

We went to the tomb,
And only found an empty room.
We left, a hasty path to choose:

Disturbing news.

We did not believe them.
They were lying about Him.
Storms within our souls bouted. We-

We felt as if our hearts had died

When our friend was crucified.

If only we could talk to Him


If only we could hear again

How to live pure within.

It would make our hearts rejoice –

His voice.

To see the gentle look in His eyes,
To look where love and mercy lies.
If only He didn't have this end –

Our Friend.

Thomas doubted His love.
He doubted in power from above.
We considered agreeing with him –

An awful sin.

But there He stood, alive, complete,

We saw the nail marks on His feet.

A moment we in silence froze –

He rose!

To know He lived brought much relief

In shame we saw our unbelief.

Tongue or pen cannot employ –

Our joy.

Before we knew it, He walked with us.

He told of God’s love, free and just.

We asked Him to tell us where He abode –

The Damascus Road.

He told us to preach the gospel to all

To tell how He saves from the fall.

Now all can have joy beyond mention –

His ascension.

Cleansed from sin by Christ’s own blood

Joy and peace within it flood.

I give Him all and yield each part –

My heart.

Nothing so has changed my life

Than the life of Jesus Christ.

Now I’ll proclaim unto the lost –

The cross.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

That We Might Rejoice

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
In Thy salvation given free.
Cause us to hear what Thou wilt speak
Set us in the pathway of Thee!

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Send Thou Thy spirit upon this place.
Keep us from evil, show Thy truth.
Turn back, upon us shine Thy face!

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Humble our hearts, we for mercy cry.
We look to Thee for righteousness
To our plans of self-gain we die.

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Lord, Thy forgiveness, Thy grace, ‘tis sweet.
O Lord, deliver us from sin!
We humbly bow at Thy feet.

Psalm 85
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 20, 2006
All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Gift of Rain

The Gift of Rain

August 12, 2006

Water drizzles from the sky

Upon a thirsty earth.

It is received with gladness as

A gift of highest worth.

The plants soak up this liquid gold

And flowers bend beneath

The pitter – patter of each drop

That shimmers on each leaf.

It fills the cracks and turns to mud

The former loosened dust.

It falls upon the wicked

Just the same as on the just.

It trickles down the dry streambeds;

Creates the stream anew.

It coaxes life back to the world

In shades of ev’ry hue.

In days of plenty and of drought

It’s a blessing all the same

Sent by One who made all things:

The priceless gift of rain.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

O Lord, Your Assurance

O Lord, Your assurance, Your peace, they are sweet;
I come with my trouble and lay at Your feet.
For You are my Comfort in sorrow and pain
My strength in my trouble, my heart You sustain.

O Lord, Your rich blessings are mine through the Lamb
For I am a child of the King, the I AM.
My Savoir, I love You; O teach me and guide.
O Jesus, I plead that You stay by my side.

O Lord, Your strong promise resounds in my soul
As all of my life I yield to Your control:
“Child, I will not leave you, but close by your side,
I’ll lead you in truth and within you abide.”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 8, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

My Strength and Shield

My Strength and Shield, my heart doth help
I trust in Him, He shall not fail.
In this assurance I rejoice,
Though fearful thoughts assail.

My Strength and Shield my Jesus is;
He hears my daily prayer.
My Rock, my Fortress still is He,
The Bearer of my care.

My Strength and Shield, He keepeth me,
From paths of wicked men.
But firmly on the path of life
He plants my feet again.

My Strength my Shield, Thy name I praise,
My song shall be of Thee.
How sweet the blessed assurance is
That Thou hast given me!

Psalm 28: 1, 6, 7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 1, 2006
All rights reserved.