Sunday, April 24, 2011

Here Christ Stands

Here lies a body
Cold with death.
No longer taking that
Life-giving breath. 
Only to be
A cavity
Wherein worms feed
Decomposition's deed.

Here lies a body
Like rotting pages
Sitting in a decrepid
Library for ages.
Once a story
Of glory
Now damned by death
To end.  And yet--

Here lies the body
Of Jesus Christ.
It laughs at death
And clutches life.
A Revised Edition,
Restored and Risen.
Defeat is not His plight
While the Author writes.

Here lay the body 
Of Christ the King
Until victory triumphed
And conquered death's sting.
Sin is not the end
While the Savior pens
The tale of His plan
With nail-scarred hands.
Here Christ stands.

"Like the Cover of an Old Book, its Contents torn out and stripped of its Lettering and Gilding, He lies here, Food for Worms.  But the Work shall not be lost; for it will (as He believed) appear once more in a New and More Elegant Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author."  ~ Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm Speechless

for my Speechless sisters; thank you for all you've taught me about our God...

I look into Your Word
In expectation
I see my Hope, my Peace,
My Joy, and my Salvation.
And I'm speechless.

I see the miracles You do
As You make the blind see.
And I stand in awe
When You speak to me,
And I'm speechless.

I see You hanging there
Upon that cross.
Why don't You come down?
Without You, I'm lost 
And I'm speechless.

I see the empty tomb;
My heart begins to sing.
Say what? My God is risen?
Death could not hold my King?
I'm speechless.

One day I'll see you there
Upon Your throne.
I'll bow to give You praise,
Lift my hands toYou alone,
As always, completely speechless.

"O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek You;  my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding Your power and glory. Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name I will lift up my hands." (Psalm 63:1-4)

"Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him." (Psalm 33:8)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Re-Defining Sin

 In an effort to be
Holy within,
I defined sin
I made my list
And checked it twice.
I would avoid evil
In all my life.
To me, sin was breaking
My list of rules
By following
The way of fools.
It was things that 
I shouldn't do
Because the Bible
Said not to.

And while sin can be
All this,
My list,

I realized that
In reality,
This view puts
The focus on me.
What I'm not doing,
And what I do.
But how would I know sin
Without the truth of You?
My focus needed
To be changed;
My mindset had
To be rearranged.

I questioned myself
In an effort to 
Honor You.

And now instead
Of avoiding sin
Because of my rules,
I'll think again.
I choose to avoid
Those things You dislike
Because I know what
You say is right.
I focus on You
Trust the commands you give;
Being all in
Is the way I'll live.

I have decided to 
Be holy within;
I re-define sin.

Sin is choosing
Not to trust Your word,
Not claiming the truth
That my prayers are heard.
For each evil deed
Starts with a doubt
That You have the answers
And best thoughts about
My life. No longer is my reason
Just don't or do.
I choose not sin because
I want to love You.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Have Mercy, My King!

Have mercy, my King!
Cast me not away;
Blot out the transgressions
I've committed this day.
I seek restoration
Through the blood of Christ.
I know You forgive
And give me new life.

Have mercy, my King
On my guilty heart
Though I know you want truth
In the inward parts.
I no longer hide 
But all I confess,
Realizing my sin,
That I've made a mess.
Have mercy, my King!
I will not ignore
Your call to forsake,
To reject, to abhor
Those things that You hate.
May You wisdom give.
May I follow You
And in righteousness live.

Have mercy, my King!
I want to be clean.
I want to be humble
And on Your strength lean.
Help me learn from this failure;
Salvation's joy restore!
May I showcase Your deliverance;
May I desire You more! 

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions...Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation... I will teach transgressors Your ways and sinners will return to You." (Psalm 51:1, 10-13)

Friday, April 8, 2011

You Talk Of...

Note: The poem below may not be suitable for young children as it deals with human sex trafficking.

You talk of freedom
That American dream ideal.
But is it real?
Is freedom your house
With a white-picket fence?
Or something left entirely 
To the National Defense?
But if some are still enslaved
Is freedom still free?
What of the girls 
Who long to be
You talk of freedom
But will you show it to her?

You talk of change
That we mustn't lack
But you turn your back.
Is change the metal
That fills your purse
Or what you in 
Various banks disperse?
What if each night she
Seeks sex fifteen times
To meet her pimps quota
Or pay her fines?
To fate she resigns.
You talk of change
But will you show her the way?

You talk of love
That emotion that impacts
But you ignore these facts.
Is love the abuse
Of a lustful john
Who uses a child
As a turn on?
Today, as every fifty-four 
Seconds have passed
A child has been harmed
In Atlanta; may I ask
You to act fast?
You talk of love
But will you show her what it truly means?

You talk of a future
That hope in tomorrow
But what of her sorrow?
Is a future the fact
That four-hundred will be
Trafficked in the next month
In Atlanta, our city?
And if seven thousand
Three hundred men
Will purchase sex from these slaves
Month and month again?
What then?
You talk of the future
But will you show her one?

You talk of your God
Who has power to heal.
But is your faith real?
Is your faith the thing
That you do on Sunday?
Or that thing that you claim
When at mealtimes you pray?
What if alone she cries
In the dark of the night
For someone to show her
Her value in life,
The light?
You talk of your God
But will you show Him to her?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One of Those Days

It had been one of those days.
I felt tired and worn.
 Everything was crazy.
My heart was torn
Over the actions of others
And my own sin.
Emotions were racing;
And I knew deep within
That there had to be something
Greater to know
Than this discouragement
That brought my head low.

It was one of those days.
He felt tired and worn.
Everything was crazy.
His heart was torn
Over the sins of others
Though He had no sin.
Emotions were racing,
And He knew deep within
That He was giving us something
Greater to gain
He called to His Father
 In the midst of His pain.

It's been one of those days.
For the truly insane.
 I've been needed each time
Someone called my name.
I'm utterly exhausted
In an extreme sense
But Jesus found solace
In His Father's presence.
"Abba, if Jesus needed that
To remember His calling,
I surely need that time
To keep me from falling.
And when I recall a day
That was a daunting task,
I'll remember the things
That You've done in the past."

It's just one of those days
And all is not lost.
I'll remember my God;
I'll remember the cross.

Monday, April 4, 2011

May I Do What You Bless

At times when the clouds 
Cover my skies
And I can't see the road
For the tears in my eyes,
When I'm mad at the world
And the people in it,
When I look at my failure
And want to forget it,
When all of my hopes
And all of my dreams,
Are falling around me 
(Or so it may seem),
May I look to Your heart
And take in Your presence.
May I hear Your soft whisper
And know its assurance.
May I feel Your embrace
And Your love that's unending.
May I be real with You
And forget my pretending.
May You smile on me, Abba!
My greatest desire
Is to know You more
At my day's-end than prior.
May You show me Your glory
And remind me of peace.
And at the end of it all,
May my faith be increased
That wherever You lead, 
I will answer You, "Yes."
May You not bless what I do;
But may I do what You bless.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Inspired by David Crowder Band's "I Need Words"

Words--those spoken sounds used many ways
To tell You how I feel; my voice I raise
To weave those morphemes together in a song,
Trying to explain You and knowing all along
I need words as deep as the sea
To explain the joy You've given to me.
I need You.

Words--the music of the human tongue
That into complex sentences I have strung
To seek to praise; I know that even then
To praise You human words cannot begin.
I need words as high as the stars
To attempt to describe Who You are.
I need You.

Words--units of speech that I explore
With my life, and yet I want You more.
With words and pen and page, I feel alive
And yet with the True Word I simply thrive.
I need words beyond my speech
I'm humbled by how out they're of reach.
I need You.

Words--those syllables of which this poem is made--
The utterance of a child who was a slave
Until You freed me. My Abba-King, I pray
Hear my man-made words today!
I need words more intense than my longing
To explain the glory to You belonging.
I need You!