Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Spent Today…

I spent today with Jesus,
And it was a blessed day.
The path grows ever sweeter
While upon the narrow way.

I spent today with Jesus
All my sadness did depart.
And I found myself rejoicing
For Jesus ruled my heart.

I spent today with Jesus
When temptations came my way.
I clung fast to Christ-bought vict’ry
And to Satan answered ‘nay.’

I spent today with Jesus
Looking up into His face.
I felt His smile upon me
Full of mercy, love, and grace.

I spent today with Jesus
Sought to please my Lord alone.
As I joyed in the assurance
That I was His very own.

I spent today with Jesus
His pleasure: my delight.
Praying earnestly each moment
That I would choose the right.

I spent today with Jesus
When others ‘stepped’ on me
I cried to Him for patience
To respond to them kindly.

I spent today with Jesus
When emotions tried to reign
I turned my heart to Jesus
And I cried upon His name.

I spent today with Jesus
And found all that I had sought.
And of all the things I pondered
Jesus was my sweetest thought.

I spent today with Jesus
May my message one day be:
“I spent my life with Jesus,
Now I’ll spend eternity!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, November 25, 2006
All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lonely No Longer

I once walked alone, down roads of this world
I knew not of Christ and His word.
But praise be to Him
He took all my sin
And He filled my heart with His joy.

Lonely, lonely no longer,
For Jesus walks close to my side.
Faithful to the end
My heavenly friend
And He fills my heart with His joy.

I still sought the praise of those that I knew
But friends that are faithful are few.
Yet Jesus was there
I knew that He cared
And He filled my heart with His joy.

I’ve chosen to joy in all of my life
For I have a friend – Jesus Christ.
Though foes may assail
And though friends may fail
Still He fills my heart with His joy.

Opt. Tune: Calvary Covers it All

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 26, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

He My Mountain

I flee as a bird to my Mountain
I put all my trust in my God.
In low lands the Devil would snare me
To wander and sink in sin’s sod.
But Jesus so lovingly draws me
To places of safety and calm.
In places of rest and assurance
My soul finds an infinite balm.

I flee as a bird to my Mountain
With Jesus how shall my soul fear?
Though Satan would boast the world’s pleasures
The vict’ry is mine with Christ near.
Though others would mock and would try me
I seek my acceptance from Him
Who bought me and freed me on Calv’ry:
My Rock and My Mountain. Amen!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 24, 2006
All rights reserved.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Need Jesus

I need Jesus more each day
For my heart would go astray.
That I might all sin abhor
I need Jesus more and more.

Jesus, teach me day by day.
Lead me in Thy Truth and Way.
Vict’ry was at Calv’ry won.
I need Jesus Christ the Son.

I need Jesus, ev’ry hour;
He my Overcoming Power.
With Him I can reach the goal.
I need Jesus in my soul.

I need Jesus through the mire
He alone fills each desire.
Quietly I hear Him call:
“I will be thine All in All.”

I need Jesus ev’ry mile
May I walk beneath His smile,
His approval, not of men.
I need Jesus, still, again.

I need Jesus He my King
Of His worthy name I sing.
And this song of prayer I raise
I need Jesus all my days.”

Opt. tune: Simply Trusting
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 23, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Rejoicing in Jesus!

Rejoicing in Jesus!

A close friend moves out of state. You get sick on Christmas. A friend has a miscarriage. You have a bad day where EVERYTHING goes wrong. The kitchen sink is so full of dishes that it is overflowing. And to top it all off, you have three Geometry lessons calling your name.

Although the above scenarios are quite varied in their difficulty, they normally all produce the same response from each one of us. A complaining spirit, a sigh and perhaps even a root of bitterness. If we are wise we turn to the Lord, and he whispers to us a single word: “rejoice.”

Rejoice?! We say. “Lord, I can’t rejoice in…” And yet our loving Father stays firm in His command. “Rejoice.”

How can we rejoice in all, obeying our Lord’s command to “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice”? Let me exhort you, my friend, it is possible, by God’s grace. The Lord has been teaching me and leading me in this path of rejoicing, and though I am still learning, I feel as if He would have me pass on the wonderful truths and joys I have found in rejoicing in Jesus.

One day right after my two closest friends had moved away, I got into a conversation with my friend, Mrs. Booth, about it at church. I was discouraged and lonely, yet Mrs. Booth encouraged me to JOY in my Savoir, even though I did not know what He was trying to teach me. Little did I know, that one of the main things that God was trying to teach me was … REJOICING!

Through the past few years, one of the main things I have struggled with is how I could rejoice when I was sad. After a while, I decided to study the words: joy, happiness, rejoicing, etc. as they are used in the Psalms. During this word study I discovered that in America and the English language, we use the words joy and happiness interchangeably, but incorrectly. Happiness is a state of the emotions, easily changed by circumstances and surroundings. Joy is knowing (a state of the mind and will) that God is in control and choosing to believe it. When I am not happy about something does not mean that I cannot rejoice in it, rather that is precisely when I must rejoice. Rejoicing is a choice, yet it is a command. (Philippians 4:4, I Thes. 5:16) Rejoicing is an act of the will, emotions can only follow.

How many times do we pour out all our complaints at the throne of our Heavenly Father, not pausing to listen to His reassuring promises to help us perform all that He commands? If we would only listen and rest in our Lord, we could find true joy. It is there, patiently waiting, but how many of us are wiling to make the effort to reach out and take it? An evangelist that once visited our church made a very true statement. He said: “There is always a way of escape and there is always sufficient grace. When we sin, we are not accessing that grace.” Think about that for a moment.

These principals may seem simple and unimportant to some, but if one person and failed to rejoice, Jesus would have come to ransom him. Someone wise once said: “My only contribution to the plan of salvation was the sin that required it.” Even though I may not be happy about all that has happened or all that is happening right now in my life, I choose to believe that his way is perfect (Ps. 18:30) and rest in the knowledge of His love. Even when I get lonely for my friends who moved away, or when everything seems to go wrong all in one day, I must choose to thank the Lord for EVERYTHING, and JOY in Him.

Satan has a very large stronghold in Christians when we have “bad days”. Jesus Christ has died for us, ransomed us, and is now in heaven, waiting for us. This is exciting, friends! Instead of focusing on the negative, on the things that are going wrong, focus on Jesus and all the rich blessings that He has bestowed upon us all as His children. As Mrs. Booth once told me, “When I am rejoicing in Jesus, I can “throw a party” in the trial.” When Satan tries to steal your joy with a “bad” day or you find yourself in the midst of a trial, rejoice in Him, brethren! “Throw a party” for your God is greater than ANY problem!

Even in the little things, such as washing dishes or working a geometry problem, we are given daily opportunities that our heavenly Father lays before us, to see if we will obey His words and commands, to test our love for Him. Even though it is hard to remember to rejoice at times, the peace that goes hand in hand with choosing to rejoice is well worth it. And He is there to give the strength to press on!

Throughout all our lives as Christians, we must remember two precious words: He knows. Sad? He knows. Lonely? He knows. Depressed? He knows. Multiple temptations? He knows. The future? HE KNOWS! Praise our dear Lord! We can rejoice in all our ways!

The next time you are struggling with anything, big or small, talk to the Lord about it, bringing all in your heart before Him, and purposing to rejoice in your situation. He knows! You may not feel any better about it, but you will know in your heart that you are obeying the Lord and rejoicing in His perfect dealings with you. And in this, there is true joy.

Monday, October 2, 2006

May You be First

May You always be first in my heart.
May I always for You set apart.
May I from sin and from evil depart.
Lord, may You be first.

May You always be first in my soul.
May I yield all of “me” to Your control.
O Lamb of God, whose blood made me whole,
Lord, may You be first.

May Thou always be first in my mind.
Thoughts that are pure, that are just, that are kind,
These thoughts, not evil ones, always be mine.
Lord, may Thou be first.

May You always be first in my life.
Though Satan would tempt me in the battle strife
May others know that I follow Christ.
Lord may You be first.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 2, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Teach Me to Cling

Teach me to cling, O Lord, to Thy word
That I might face trials resting assured
Lord, let the promise of sure vict’ry ring.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling, O Lord to Thy Son.
Help me remember the vict’ry is won
And that I do not have to feel failure’s sting.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling to Thy promise sweet
When Satan tempts me, I fall at Thy feet.
All my temptations teach me to bring.
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling though Satan would pull.
May I of Christ’s precious likeness be full.
This be my message – Christ is my King!
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Teach me to cling, O Lord, this my plea
That I might give all the glory to Thee.
O Lord through my life this song I shall sing:
Teach me to cling!
Teach me to cling!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 1, 2006
All rights reserved.

Leaving Me Behind

I planned out my future
And sought not Thy will.
And yet, I found mercy
In Thy eyes still.
You love, everlasting
Though I went astray.
But now, Lord, I leave me,
To follow Thy way.

I did what was right
In my sinful eyes.
And fell as a victim
To the Devil’s lies.
I sought not Thy face,
Sought only my own.
But now, Lord, I leave me
To serve you alone.

I did what I wanted
While farther apart
I moved from Thy Spirit
By my sinful heart.
But praise to Thy name
Thy mercy was mine!
So now, Lord, I leave me,
And myself behind.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, October 1, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alone with my Jesus

I come to my closet, alone with my Jesus
This is a need in my life day by day.
In quiet silence I hear His voice calling:
“Be still, My child, and know ye My way.”

Here in my closet, alone with my Jesus
Talking, engaging, and lending an ear.
Keeping my heart’s eyes on His face and promise
Leaving my doubts and my needs and my fears.

I come to my closet, alone with my Jesus
To be transformed by His mercy and grace.
More like my Jesus, He gives me His likeness,
When I come alone to a still, quiet place.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 17, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

With Songs of Deliverance

With songs of deliv’rance my Savior compasses
My soul round about in His mercy and grace.
My Strength in the battle I shall have the victory
When He is my Rock and my Hiding Place.

With songs of sure vict’ry His Spirit doth strengthen
My heart in the trouble, He hears ev’ry cry.
Though Satan would tempt me, I call unto Jesus
My Tower of Refuge, my Fortress in nigh.

With songs of assurance, my Comfort doth help me.
Why should I fear with my Jesus beside?
I shall not fear what men shall do unto me
Still I will trust Him to lead me and guide.

With songs of forgiveness, my Jesus doth cleanse me,
When I acknowledge my sin unto Him.
He breaks down each stronghold if I would but ask Him,
Renews me to serve Him in truth once again.

With songs of His blessing He teaches me daily
Instructing therein in the paths of His choice.
I trust in His holiness and wait for direction
Glad in His presence, my heart shall rejoice.

With songs of deliv’rance, my Savior compasses
My life round about. He is all that I need.
The vict’ry is sure for it was won on Calvary
In Him I am free, yes free, free, indeed!

Psalm 32: 8
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 13, 2006
All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Cross

The Cross

Quinn Davis and Miriam Rainwater

June – August 2006

A precious promise tried and true

From God a gift for me and you.

On a hill t’was given free –

The tree.

Redemption from the stains of sin,

I’m turned around, I’m changed within.

Since I washed within the flood –

His blood.

I sought salvation full and free

And found it without cost or fee.

The flood engulfed me from above –

His love.

Mercy flickers there

The gift of life their bearer wears

In them shines pain as He cries --

His eyes.

Made of briers and thorny vines

Worn because of sin like mine,

Made to shame and bring Him down –

His crown.

Stripped of the few things He owned.

Yet, hear the ever-loving moan:

“Lord, forgive them, everything!” –

My King.

The Father turns from the Son

He man’s sin must shun

The Lamb faces joy’s thief –


Jesus draws in His last breath

And gladly welcomes the Angel of Death.

Glory! He’s paid the price! He’s –

The Ultimate Sacrifice.

As He died the veil was torn.

All my sin and shame He’d borne.

Pierced because of foolish pride –

His side.

Black as night, like stains of sin

The Father could not look on Him.

Because of sinners such as I –

The sky.

She looks in His face and sees pain no more

“After He defies death He’ll reach heaven’s shores.”

She remembers all they meant to each other –

His mother.

The pits of hell echo a terrible scream:

“Jesus has died!” Is it a dream?

Man from the bonds of death is free!


In horror I began to see

What had nailed Him to that tree.

In shame I looked away from Him –

My sin.

Realization struck my soul

He suffered that I might be whole.

He died, I began to see –

For me.

I saw Him hanging there;

Ev’ry man’s sin this Man did bear.

He’d die to make man whole, and save

Their souls.

I’ve found the peace

My amazement will never cease.

I’ve found Divine Romance –

A second chance.

Although a King, He had no grave,

He had come the world to save.

A friend took pity, gave Him room –

His tomb.

There’s been a sadness in us all,

Although Christ freed us from the fall.

But Jesus promised He would raise –

Three days.

We went to the tomb,
And only found an empty room.
We left, a hasty path to choose:

Disturbing news.

We did not believe them.
They were lying about Him.
Storms within our souls bouted. We-

We felt as if our hearts had died

When our friend was crucified.

If only we could talk to Him


If only we could hear again

How to live pure within.

It would make our hearts rejoice –

His voice.

To see the gentle look in His eyes,
To look where love and mercy lies.
If only He didn't have this end –

Our Friend.

Thomas doubted His love.
He doubted in power from above.
We considered agreeing with him –

An awful sin.

But there He stood, alive, complete,

We saw the nail marks on His feet.

A moment we in silence froze –

He rose!

To know He lived brought much relief

In shame we saw our unbelief.

Tongue or pen cannot employ –

Our joy.

Before we knew it, He walked with us.

He told of God’s love, free and just.

We asked Him to tell us where He abode –

The Damascus Road.

He told us to preach the gospel to all

To tell how He saves from the fall.

Now all can have joy beyond mention –

His ascension.

Cleansed from sin by Christ’s own blood

Joy and peace within it flood.

I give Him all and yield each part –

My heart.

Nothing so has changed my life

Than the life of Jesus Christ.

Now I’ll proclaim unto the lost –

The cross.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

That We Might Rejoice

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
In Thy salvation given free.
Cause us to hear what Thou wilt speak
Set us in the pathway of Thee!

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Send Thou Thy spirit upon this place.
Keep us from evil, show Thy truth.
Turn back, upon us shine Thy face!

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Humble our hearts, we for mercy cry.
We look to Thee for righteousness
To our plans of self-gain we die.

Revive us, O Lord, that we might rejoice,
Lord, Thy forgiveness, Thy grace, ‘tis sweet.
O Lord, deliver us from sin!
We humbly bow at Thy feet.

Psalm 85
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 20, 2006
All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Gift of Rain

The Gift of Rain

August 12, 2006

Water drizzles from the sky

Upon a thirsty earth.

It is received with gladness as

A gift of highest worth.

The plants soak up this liquid gold

And flowers bend beneath

The pitter – patter of each drop

That shimmers on each leaf.

It fills the cracks and turns to mud

The former loosened dust.

It falls upon the wicked

Just the same as on the just.

It trickles down the dry streambeds;

Creates the stream anew.

It coaxes life back to the world

In shades of ev’ry hue.

In days of plenty and of drought

It’s a blessing all the same

Sent by One who made all things:

The priceless gift of rain.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

O Lord, Your Assurance

O Lord, Your assurance, Your peace, they are sweet;
I come with my trouble and lay at Your feet.
For You are my Comfort in sorrow and pain
My strength in my trouble, my heart You sustain.

O Lord, Your rich blessings are mine through the Lamb
For I am a child of the King, the I AM.
My Savoir, I love You; O teach me and guide.
O Jesus, I plead that You stay by my side.

O Lord, Your strong promise resounds in my soul
As all of my life I yield to Your control:
“Child, I will not leave you, but close by your side,
I’ll lead you in truth and within you abide.”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, August 8, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

My Strength and Shield

My Strength and Shield, my heart doth help
I trust in Him, He shall not fail.
In this assurance I rejoice,
Though fearful thoughts assail.

My Strength and Shield my Jesus is;
He hears my daily prayer.
My Rock, my Fortress still is He,
The Bearer of my care.

My Strength and Shield, He keepeth me,
From paths of wicked men.
But firmly on the path of life
He plants my feet again.

My Strength my Shield, Thy name I praise,
My song shall be of Thee.
How sweet the blessed assurance is
That Thou hast given me!

Psalm 28: 1, 6, 7
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, September 1, 2006
All rights reserved.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Here I Will Rejoice

Here I will rejoice
The shadow of Thy wings
Is spread abroad my soul to hide;
So I will sing.

Here I will give thanks
Rich blessing doth abound.
I seek Thy face and walk Thy path.
Thy praise I’ve found.

Here I will rejoice
Thy holy will is best.
Within my Jesus I abide
And safely rest.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 31, 2006
All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I Choose Jesus!

I see my life with all its sin.
My heart longs to be pure within.
Christ can make me clean again.
I choose Jesus.

When temptation tempts beside
Encouraging thoughts of selfish pride
In my Savior I abide.
I choose Jesus.

Decisions lurk and deadlines press
Yet in Jesus I am blessed.
In my Hiding Place I rest.
I choose Jesus.

When trials with their troubles sting
And storms of life their sorrows bring
I rejoice in God, my King.
I choose Jesus.

When I leave this world of strife
And the Father asks: “Do you know Christ?”
May I answer: “Thru my life
I chose Jesus!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 22, 2006
All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Place Where I Abide

Full of the Savoir, and His precious grace.
My place of Comfort and my Hiding Place.
When I seek my Jesus and His holy face –
The place where I abide.

He draws me still nearer and walks by my side.
He is my Lord, my Companion, my Guide.
And here I have fellowship with Jesus who died –
The place where I abide.

Sweet place of assurance, within which I rest
In hours of temptation or in daily tests.
I’m joying in Jesus for His ways are best –
In Jesus I abide.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 15, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fill My Life

Fill my life with Thee, O Lord;
Thy likeness may I bear.
Cleanse m heart from ev’ry stain
‘Til thou art Ruler there.
‘Til Jesus, yea, ‘til only Christ
Abides and dwells within.
Rid my life of sinful strife
And make me pure again.

Fill my life with Thee, O Lord,
And make Thy will mine own.
Teach me to submit my will
Before Thee at Thy throne.
Lord, root out all my selfish pride
That in humility.
I might joy in ev’rything
You choose to give to me.

Fill my life with Thee, O Lord,
My mouth fill with Thy praise.
My mind fill with the things of Thee
My feet guide in Thy ways.
May hands fill with Thy works of love
And yielding all to Christ
May my prayer always be:
O Savior, fill my life!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 11, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

If God…

If God created ev’ryting in heav’n and earth below
I know that He creates me life, each joy and trail knows.

If God protected Noah while the flood and sea waves rolled
I know that He protects me as He guards my heart and soul.

If God conversed with Abraham and talked with Him alone
I know that He converses with me at my Savior’s throne.

If God directed Moses through the desert wilderness
I know that He directs me and my paths by Him are blessed.

If God remained with Joseph and walked constantly beside
I know that He remaineth and within Him I abide.

If God inspired David in the path of holiness
I know that He’ll inspire me ev’n in my loneliness.

If God delivered Daniel from the deadly lions’ den
I know that He delivers from the bonds of hell and sin.

If God corrected Jonah in love and faithfulness
I know that He’ll correct me through His loving daily tests.

If God appointed Jesus to take away our sin
I know that the Appointed One has made me pure within.

If God converted Paul on the road to Damascus
I know that I, converted, walk the road to godliness.

If God counseled all these men in things of daily life.
I know He’ll counsel me today if I would turn to Christ.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, July 9, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Content to Wait

I kneel before Thee, content to wait,
For Thy plans are never late.
All the plans I’ve sought in past
They will burn, but Thine will last.

I kneel before Thee, content and still
I seek, O Lord, to do They will,
To know Thy hear, obey Thy plans
My life is in Thy loving hands.

I kneel before Thee, content with joy,
Tough Satan would my life destroy
By tempting me to run ahead;
I choose to follow Thee instead.

I kneel before Thee, content to stay
Thou leadest in Thy perfect way.
For when in Thee I am complete
I find I’m waiting at your feet.

I kneel before Thee, content, at rest.
I know Thy sov’rign paths are best.
Until I pass through heaven’s gate
Keep me, Lord, content to wait!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 30, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tis Sweet to be Alone with Jesus

O, ‘tis sweet to be alone with Jesus -
Resting here within the place of prayer,
Calling on my Father in my trouble,
Casting on His shoulders all my care,
Grasping grace to keep my feet from falling,
Pressing onward still to reigns above,
Glorying in everything He brings me,
Hoping always, ever in His love.

O, ‘tis sweet to be alone with Jesus
Though the pains of life intensify.
He has promised always to be with me
As the hours and days and years go by.
He has promised beauty for my ashes
Joyful blessings from His loving hand.
He will give and take unto His purpose
‘Til He brings me to the promised land.

O, ‘tis sweet to be alone with Jesus!
He who shall my Life and Comfort be!
Giving joy and gladness for my morning,
Robes of praise and grace through Calvary.
Cleansed from evil by the blood of Jesus
He forgives my sin before His throne.
O, ‘tis sweet to fellowship with Jesus –
He is mine and I am His alone!

Tune: Day by Day
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fix My Heart

Fix my eyes upon Thy face.
O Savior, this my plea:
Help me look upon the things
That pleasest only Thee!

Fix my thoughts upon Thy Word
Lord, make me pure within.
Yea, hour by hour and day by day
Lord, keep my mind from sin!

Fix my ears upon Thy voice
To listen and obey.
And quickly, though temptation shouts
And dares me to delay!

Fix my lips upon Thy praise
In kindness let me speak.
May my words be like my Lord’s:
Patient, humble, meek!

Fix my hands upon Thy work.
Lord make me diligent!
Faithful to the “little things”
The jobs that you have sent!

Fix my feet upon Thy path
Lord, do not let me stray!
Keep me in your narrow path;
Lead me day by day!

Fix my will upon Thy will
You set me, Lord, apart.
This is my prayer each day anew:
O Savior, fix my heart!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 16, 2006
All rights reserved
Based on Col. 3:1-2

Satisfied in Only Jesus

Satisfied in only Jesus;
Living Water, Daily Bread,
Rock in which my hope is founded
Hand by which I’m safely led;
He alone can fill each longing,
Changing mine to be like His.
I will sing and give Him praises
For my Helper, my God is.

Satisfied by only Jesus
Longing not for things of men.
Leaning fully on Salvation
Freely given for my sin.
Even when my flesh doth fail me
I will call upon His name.
He alone can give me vict’ry
Purify from any stain.

Satisfied with only Jesus
As I live my life below.
May my life reflect His glory.
May I of His mercy show.
May I be so full of Jesus,
Joying in the crucified,
That others see Jesus only
For in Him I’m satisfied.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, May 16, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Hosanna! Through the Ages

Hosanna through the ages
Hosanna, loud Amen!
All praises to the Savoir
Who freeth all souls from sin.
Salvation, honor, praise and power
All glory to our Lord!
For true and righteous are His works
Come praise in one accord.

Hosanna through the ages
Hosanna, all rejoice!
The Lord thy Savoir reigneth
Omnipotent is His choice!
O, all ye servants, small and great
Give honor unto Him.
Sing praises to our God and Lamb
Alleluia, Amen!

Hosanna through the ages
Hosanna to our King!
Press toward the finish all ye saints
Thy crowns before Him bring.
For Christ sits worthy on His throne
Ye saints all sin abhore.
Hosanna to the KING of KINGS
Come worship the LORD of LORDS!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, April 9, 2006
All rights reserved.
Tune: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
From Revelation 19

Thursday, April 6, 2006

In Jesus Christ

I trust, I rest, in Jesus’ love
There is no other half so sweet.
And through each day, O, may they find
Me always sitting at His feet!

I find my all in Jesus Christ,
His love, His covenant, His life,
His love, His covenant, His life.

I’m trusting in His covenant,
O, full salvation, rich in grace.
His blood shall cover all my shame
No condemnation I shall face!

To be like Jesus, all my days,
O, this my plea: to know His life!
I shall go forth, this message bring:
“I am redeemed by Jesus Christ!”

Opt. tune: The Solid Rock
Copyright, Miriam Rainwater, April 6, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

He Worketh All Things Well

He worketh all things well,
O promise rich and sweet!
To sit and wait and rest and trust
While sitting at His feet.
He worketh all things well
His perfect ways are best!
O Jesus come and draw me near
Where nothing can molest!

He worketh all things well
His promise I believe.
So I with a surrendered heart
With joy each day receive.
I trust in His strong arm
TO guide me, and His voice
Shall comfort me in daily trials
Yea, I shall still rejoice!

He worketh all things well
Yea in His blessed time
He worketh still His wonders
“The glory, Lord is thine!
Thou art the God of all the earth
Nature alone doth tell.
And this shall be my witness:
“Thou worketh all things well!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 29, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Walk with God

A Walk with God

March 28, 2006

I took a walk with God today

Among the wonders of His hands.

Though most seemed small, each one told

The power of His perfect plans.

So intricate the flower buds

How swift and smooth the blue bird’s flight,

How beautiful the touch of spring

While bringing to the earth new life1

The daffodils showed forth His love

As tulips sounded forth His praise.

How beautiful the passing rain

That veiled the mountain tops in haze.

Such little things they often seen

Yet each one has it’s place.

In their Father’s loving will

To crown His works with grace.

‘Tis so with all creation

Each one has a special part

And He will guide and use them

If they only seek His heart.

If somewhere in your thinking

You’re just a flower in the sod.

I encourage you to seek His heart

And take a walk with God.

My Sweetest Thought

My sweetest thought; so full of rest
My Jesus and my Savior.
To know your perfect ways are best
And Thou art mine forever!
Yea, trusting in your grace and love
Thy throneroom do I enter.
To talk with him who reigns above
Whom loving-kindness renders.

My sweetest thought; ‘tis blissful joy,
To know I have the vict’ry.
He giveth strength so none annoy
Because of Christ and Calv’ry.
So safe and free from fear and care
His promises assuring
To Him each troubled thought I bear
Whose power is securing!

My sweetest thought, O Lord of All
To know Thy full salvation!
Before Thy throne in praise I fall
Not fearing condemnation.
My sweetest thought; O thought subline!
A comfort when I’m lonely:
To know that Jesus Christ is mine –
My All in All, my Only!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

May I, O Lord

May I walk Thy perfect ways
This my prayer, O Lord, to Thee.
Always giving Thee the praise
Free of self and sin and “me.”

May I learn Thy perfect life
More like Jesus would I be.
That my life show Jesus Christ
And His work on Calvary!

May I know Thy perfect will
And submit my will to Thine.
May I grow like Jesus still
In my heart and will and mind.

May I love Thy perfect laws.
May I obey until the end.
A heart inclined unto Thee, cause
My heart to be; cleanse from sin.

May I trust Thy perfect plans
As I listen for Thy voice.
My all I give unto Thy hands
And in Thy perfect love rejoice!

From Psalm 101:6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring, Spring, Spring!

Spring, Spring, Spring!

March 21, 2006

The First Day of Spring

The daffodils spout forth the news

What joy this season brings.

When flowers from their buds break forth

Spring, spring, spring!

The cold of winter nears an end

And sun warms ev’rything.

It’s gold beams are a welcomed sight

Spring, spring, spring!

The summer birds migrate again

The sky is filled with wings.

And tiny eggs within a nest mean

Spring, spring, spring!

The humans feel the season, too

Each heart with joy doth sing.

But outside nature tells it best:

Spring, spring, spring!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cause Thy Face to Shine, O Lord

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon my heart. Begin in me
The work that you desire to do
More like my Jesus to be!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon your church, we ask, we pray.
Make us a light unto the world,
Humbled and changed today!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon the world; we need Thy hand!
We’ve turned our backs upon Thy word,
Save us! Revive our land!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon Thy servants, revive our hearts.
We need Thy grace, Thy love, Thy pow’r,
Salvation Thy word doth impart!

Still Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Cleanse us from sin, for we are enslaved.
Turn us again, your presence show
Revive us, and we shall be saved!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 19, 2006
All rights reserved.

Friday, March 17, 2006

What Joy is This!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know that God is on my side!
I shall not fail
Though storms assail
For Jesus Christ shall be my guide.
I rest in this assurance sweet
As I the trials of life meet
I commune with Jesus at His feet.
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To trust in one who cannot fail.
For Jesus Christ
Hath given life
And maketh all who ask Him well.
He gave His life on Calvary
To save and cleanse and pardon me.
I’ll praise Him for eternity
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know that God will be my stay.
And through His grace
I’ll seek His face
And I will trust Him all the way.
I will rejoice in ev’ry thing
Praise I will shout and sing
For Jesus is my Lord and King!
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know my Father’s ways are best.
He shall guide me
Walk beside me
As in His holy will I rest.
That he would guide me, all I ask
Along the straight and narrow path
To show His love, complete His tasks.
For this is eternal joy!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 17, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Praises Sing Ye to the Savior

Praises sing ye to the Savoir
For in love He gave His life.
It is finished; now He reigneth!
He is risen and is Christ!
Christians raise your voices higher
Sing aloud, His glorious praise.
Praise sing ye to the Savoir
Evermore His greatness raise.

Praises sing ye to the Savoir
He is Lord o’er ev’rything!
Rocks and hill break forth in singing,
Praises your Creator bring.
Wind and waves and sea obey Him
Sun and moon shine forth His praise!
Creatures of the earth and people
Sing aloud, your voices raise.

Praises sing ye to the Savior
O’er the earth His love proclaim!
Tell to ev’ry land and nation
Jesus Christ, God’s son, doth reign!
All who trust in Jesus, fear Him
Of His wonders ever sing.
Praises sing ye to the Savior
Who o’er all the earth is King!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

I Trust the Heart of Jesus

I trust the heart of Jesus
In peace despite the storm
By faith I know He leads me
My Savoir and my Lord.
For though His hand doth slay me
I’m safe within His arms.
His love is everlasting
He shall not do me harm.

I trust the heart of Jesus
When clouds obscure His face.
I trust in Jesus only
For peace and hope and grace.
A hiding place he offers
Against the rising wind.
I shall not fear the battle
For Jesus is my friend!

I trust the heart of Jesus
No terror can I know.
For I shall understand Him
One day before His throne!
I’ll trust Him through the trouble
When rain and clouds annoy.
I’ll trust Him, for in Jesus
I find my sweetest joy!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

Precious Jesus, Thou my Treasure!

Precious Savior, Thou my Treasure
Dearer to my heart each day.
As I walk the road beside Thee
Keep my heart unto Thy ways!
Though the world would try and tempt me,
Though the devil’s plans annoy
I will ever lean on Jesus
For in Him is peace and joy.

Loving Father, Thou my Treasure
Richer, fuller, deeper still
As I learn the sweeter meaning
Of abiding in Thy will.
Help me follow in Thy footsteps
Though I may not understand.
For I know that Thou will firmly
Guide me with Thy loving hand.

Gentle Shepherd, Thou my Treasure
Sweeter still through coming years.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me;
In Thy love I cannot fear.
Mold me, make me more like Jesus
That I may His likeness bear.
Precious Jesus, Thou my Treasure:
Sweeter, deeper, always, e’er!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Joyfully Adore the Savoir

Joyfully adore the Savoir
Evermore His love proclaim!
Show abroad His glorious power
Magnify His holy name.
Kneel before Him, come adore Him,
Who, for all, hath come to earth.
Joyfully adore the Savior
Sing aloud His matchless worth!

Joyfully adore the Savior
All who through Him are redeemed.
Praise Him for the blood that cleanses
All who wash in Calvary’s stream.
Make Him, crown Him, Lord and Savior
Listen for His loving voice.
Joyfully adore the Savior
In His holiness rejoice!

Joyfully adore the Savoir
Praise Him for He gave His life.
So that we might have redemption
By our Savoir: Jesus Christ.
Joyfully this is my witness
“Jesus is my only choice!”
Joyfully adore the Savoir
In His perfect ways rejoice!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 22, 2006
All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Closer, Dearer, Lord to Thee

Closer, dearer, Lord to Thee.
Make me Savoir, this my plea.
Until the message that I send
Is “Jesus is my closest friend!”
Closer to they holiness
Others with Thy love to bless
This, O Lord, my highest quest:
Closer and closer to Jesus!

Closer, dearer, Lord to Thee
Precious Lord of Calvary.
E’er make me patient, always kind
That others may salvation find.
Closer to they loveliness
They will be – for it is best!
This, O Lord, my dearest quest:
Closer and closer to Jesus!

Closer, dearer, Lord to Thee
So that all who watch may see.
My Lord, my Savior, Jesus Christ
Through the channel of my life.
Closer to Thy lowliness
More of Thee and of me, less.
This, O Lord, my only quest:
Closer and closer to Jesus!

Closer, dearer, Lord to Thee
Throughout all eternity.
Fore’er, I’ll join the glorious song
To Thee, O Lord, glory belongs.
Closer to Thy sinlessness
Shine through me through all earthly tests.
Through eternity this my quest:
Closer and closer to Jesus!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 18, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jesus, be my All in All!

Jesus, be my All in All,
Thou, Lord, my one desire!
Father, keep me in Thy will
And set my life on fire!
Make me always, more like Thee,
Help me give my all.
Thank you, Savior that you know
And hear my ev’ry call.

Jesus, be my All in All,
I give you ev’ry part.
Cleanse my life from ev’ry sin;
Fill my empty heart.
Help me trust Thee in my ways
Teach me, Lord, to wait.
Thank you Savior that you know
And you make no mistakes!

Jesus, be my All in All
Lord, I delight in Thee.
Your grace my song, your love my theme
Because of Calvary!
I shall delight to do Thy will
In paths of righteousness.
Thank you Savior, that you know
Take all that I possess.

Jesus, be my All in All
Myself to Thee I give.
Help me show your holy name
By the way I live.
My life, the paths I cannot see
To Thou, Lord, I commit.
Thank you Savior that you know
And you will answer, yet.

Jesus, be my All in All
Thy way alone is best!
Help me, as I live my life
To trust your heart and rest.
“Thank you Savior,” I will sing
One day in that heav’nly choir.
“Jesus was my All in ALL,
Evermore, my one desire!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 15, 2006
All rights reserved.

Friday, February 10, 2006

God is the Answer

God is the answer when none can be found
A bright ray of sunshine in a dark place.
For even when troubles and burdens assail me,
‘Tis a sweet comfort to trust in His grace.

God is the answer, my guide in my journey,
Even when I stray, He does not forget
He patiently waits, though His heart may be hurting
Over his child. He forgives even yet.

God is the answer, amid the confusion,
Amid the distractions, and pathways of life.
Before all the nations, He still stands proclaiming
“Ye that are weary, the answer in Christ!”

“God is the answer,” still echoes the promise.
All ye who doubt His word only believe.
God is the answer, the one and the only,
Prepare ye a kingdom, thy King to receive!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 10, 2006
All rights reserved.

How I Love Thy Law!

How I love the law of the Lord
Silver and gold cannot compare.
Yea it is sweeter than fine honey
It’s beauty more than lilies fair.
It is a pleasure to obey them
For they are words of my King.
My desire is to please Him
For He is my everything!
It is a joy to search them daily
To ask for grace to abbey each part.
I love the law of my Father
They are the rejoicing of my heart.
I shall turn away from evil
To obey Thy pure commands.
To Thy statues shall I always
Incline my heart unto the end.
Psalm 119:97, 102, 103, 106, 111, 112
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 10, 2006
All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Christians, Lift Ye Up the Standard!

Christians lift ye up the standard,
My salvation to proclaim!
So that others all around you
Will respect my holy name.
Be to the world a salt and light,
A beacon that is true.
And as you meet your fellow man
Let them see Christ in you.
Clothed in my salvation
Before the nations walk.
And with all humility
And love, of my name talk.
Christians lift ye up the standard,
Glory in the holy One!
Show forth all of God’s creation
And the wonders He hath done.
Sing and cry and shout of Jesus
Joy in Him in one accord.
Christians, lift ye up the standard,
Prepare a pathway for thy Lord!

Isaiah 62:10-12
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 9, 2006
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

I Need Thee, Jesus, How I Need Thee!

I need Thee, Jesus, how I need Thee
I need Thy guiding hand each hour.
Satan’s plans are not as luring,
When I trust in Thy saving power.

I need Thee, Jesus, how I need Thee
How I need Thee night and day.
Jesus come and walk beside me,
Steer and guide me all the way.

I need Thee Jesus, how I need Thee
Through the shadows and through shine.
That through all I may go singing,
“I am His and He is mine!”

I need Thee Jesus, how I need Thee
Thou who saved my soul from death.
Ever is my cry “I need Thee,”
‘Till I give my parting breath.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 8, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

He Who Redeemeth

He who redeemeth my life from destruction
From everlasting His righteousness stands.
The Lord hath prepared Him a throne in the heavens
His kingdom ruleth all over the land.

He who redeemeth my life in His mercy,
In Him alone and Him only I fear.
My Lord, He is mercious and plenteous in graciousness.
When I cry unto His name, He shall hear.

He who redeemeth my heart from iniquity
He hath forgiven and cleansed me from sin.
As far as the east and the west are in distance
He hath removed my transgressions from Him.

He who redeemeth me, my soul doth praise Him.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, praise His dear name!
For He hath redeemed me and crowned me with mercies
He is my Lord, I’ll forever proclaim!

Based on Psalm 103
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 7, 2006
All rights reserved.

Monday, February 6, 2006

Ever Make Me More Like Jesus!

Ever make me more like Jesus
Always, always, more like Him!
Here I yield all worldly pleasures
Lay them down and fight to win.
Truly, Father, this my longing
My desire deep within:
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always, more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
As I go through daily tasks.
Help me do them for Your glory
Big or small. Yes, this I ask:
Help me do my work for Jesus
Not for praise of mortal men.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In the things I hear and say
Help me build up fellow Christians
As I touch their lives each day.
Help me touch them for the better
To know what to say, and when.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In my hidden thoughts that run.
For I know that You are watching
And You know them, every one.
Help me take the evil captive
Recognize that they are sin.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always, more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
In the grace and love I show.
Help my life to be a message:
‘God has washed me white as snow!’
May I always show forth Jesus
Through my actions, tongue, and pen.
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always, always more like Him!

Ever make me more like Jesus
‘Till You call my soul above.
Lord, increase me in Your Spirit
And perfect my heart in love.
Until I meet You in Your glory,
My plea is time and time again:
Ever make me more like Jesus –
Always! Always! More like Him!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 6, 2006
All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

The Battle for My Mind

Throughout the course of any day
I have thoughts of many kinds.
And with each I have a choice
In the battle for my mind.
In my actions, choices, words,
Will God or Satan reign?
Everyday I make the choice
In the thoughts I entertain.
At any time on any day
Satan flings his fiery darts
Will I firmly tell him “No”
To preserve my mind and heart?
I must take captive evil thoughts
And bring them all to Christ
For if I don’t the devil with
Destroy and hurt my life.
Jesus, help me every hour!
My life with blood you bought.
Make me Lord, victorious
Over every single thought.

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, February 5, 2006
All rights reserved.
From 2 Cor. 10:3 and Phil. 4:8

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Battle for My Heart

There’s a battle raging viciously
My heart’s the battlefield.
Between the devil and my King
To which one will I yield?
In growing up, my heart begins
To look toward different things
My feet, unsure of all the path
Wonder what life brings.
Will I fall in Satan’s traps
So full of self and sin?
Or will I rise above and stand
For all I believe in?
Will my fire go out until
I’m all for Satan’s side?
Or will I be on fire for God
Who for my ransom died?
Will I be a “lazy man”
Who work and hardships shirks?
Or will I serve my Jesus Christ
Performing His good works?
Will my feet run quickly
To Satan’s work’s and plans?
Or will my feet bring Jesus
To a dry and thirsty land?
Will my tongue speak evil words
Of gossip, pride and hate?
Or will I speak with kindness
And love for Jesus’ sake?
Will I let my mind go wand’ring,
In paths of fleshly lust?
Or will I keep a firm commitment
To thoughts both pure and just?
Will my eyes look unto things
The devil knows and loves?
Or will I set my eyes on Christ
And heavenly things above?
Will my life call God a liar
Denying God in sin?
Or will my life be ALL for God
Bringing all to Him?
“O Lord, my Savior and my God
Thee only will I seek!
When temptations come to knock –
Lord, help me! I am weak.”
“Satan, get Thee hence from me,
For Jesus is my King.
I will follow Him in all
Yea, in everything!”
I choose to follow Jesus Christ
“Lord, keep my heart from sin!”
My God shall triumph always, e’er,
My King shall fight – and win!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 28, 2006
All rights reserved.
From I John 1: 5 – 2:5

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Life Shall Shine for Jesus

My life shall shine for Jesus;
Yea, this is my resign.
That everything about my life
Would show His will divine.

My hands shall serve my Jesus
In service large or small.
In any task He brings to me
That I would give my all.

My lips shall speak of Jesus
Throughout my earthly days.
That I would take no glory
But give Him ALL the praise.

My song shall be for Jesus
For He hath saved my life.
That my song would be pleasing
To Him who paid the price.

My ears shall hear of Jesus;
I listen for His voice.
That I might one day witness
That He was my first choice.

My mind shall think of Jesus
My life with blood He bought.
That I may ever, always say
That He is my best thought.

My time is all for Jesus
That I might always know.
That I have used it wisely
And been not foolish or slow.

My will shall stand for Jesus
Yet lay down at His feet.
That I may learn to lean on Him
In Him I am complete.

My pen shall write of Jesus
He gives each word and rhyme.
That I’d always ask him for it
Saying: “Not my words but Thine!”

My heart shall joy in Jesus
Whatever life may bring.
My life shall ever shine for Him
For He’s my everything!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, January 10, 2006
All rights reserved.