Wednesday, March 29, 2006

He Worketh All Things Well

He worketh all things well,
O promise rich and sweet!
To sit and wait and rest and trust
While sitting at His feet.
He worketh all things well
His perfect ways are best!
O Jesus come and draw me near
Where nothing can molest!

He worketh all things well
His promise I believe.
So I with a surrendered heart
With joy each day receive.
I trust in His strong arm
TO guide me, and His voice
Shall comfort me in daily trials
Yea, I shall still rejoice!

He worketh all things well
Yea in His blessed time
He worketh still His wonders
“The glory, Lord is thine!
Thou art the God of all the earth
Nature alone doth tell.
And this shall be my witness:
“Thou worketh all things well!”

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 29, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Walk with God

A Walk with God

March 28, 2006

I took a walk with God today

Among the wonders of His hands.

Though most seemed small, each one told

The power of His perfect plans.

So intricate the flower buds

How swift and smooth the blue bird’s flight,

How beautiful the touch of spring

While bringing to the earth new life1

The daffodils showed forth His love

As tulips sounded forth His praise.

How beautiful the passing rain

That veiled the mountain tops in haze.

Such little things they often seen

Yet each one has it’s place.

In their Father’s loving will

To crown His works with grace.

‘Tis so with all creation

Each one has a special part

And He will guide and use them

If they only seek His heart.

If somewhere in your thinking

You’re just a flower in the sod.

I encourage you to seek His heart

And take a walk with God.

My Sweetest Thought

My sweetest thought; so full of rest
My Jesus and my Savior.
To know your perfect ways are best
And Thou art mine forever!
Yea, trusting in your grace and love
Thy throneroom do I enter.
To talk with him who reigns above
Whom loving-kindness renders.

My sweetest thought; ‘tis blissful joy,
To know I have the vict’ry.
He giveth strength so none annoy
Because of Christ and Calv’ry.
So safe and free from fear and care
His promises assuring
To Him each troubled thought I bear
Whose power is securing!

My sweetest thought, O Lord of All
To know Thy full salvation!
Before Thy throne in praise I fall
Not fearing condemnation.
My sweetest thought; O thought subline!
A comfort when I’m lonely:
To know that Jesus Christ is mine –
My All in All, my Only!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 28, 2006
All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

May I, O Lord

May I walk Thy perfect ways
This my prayer, O Lord, to Thee.
Always giving Thee the praise
Free of self and sin and “me.”

May I learn Thy perfect life
More like Jesus would I be.
That my life show Jesus Christ
And His work on Calvary!

May I know Thy perfect will
And submit my will to Thine.
May I grow like Jesus still
In my heart and will and mind.

May I love Thy perfect laws.
May I obey until the end.
A heart inclined unto Thee, cause
My heart to be; cleanse from sin.

May I trust Thy perfect plans
As I listen for Thy voice.
My all I give unto Thy hands
And in Thy perfect love rejoice!

From Psalm 101:6
Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 23, 2006
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring, Spring, Spring!

Spring, Spring, Spring!

March 21, 2006

The First Day of Spring

The daffodils spout forth the news

What joy this season brings.

When flowers from their buds break forth

Spring, spring, spring!

The cold of winter nears an end

And sun warms ev’rything.

It’s gold beams are a welcomed sight

Spring, spring, spring!

The summer birds migrate again

The sky is filled with wings.

And tiny eggs within a nest mean

Spring, spring, spring!

The humans feel the season, too

Each heart with joy doth sing.

But outside nature tells it best:

Spring, spring, spring!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cause Thy Face to Shine, O Lord

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon my heart. Begin in me
The work that you desire to do
More like my Jesus to be!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon your church, we ask, we pray.
Make us a light unto the world,
Humbled and changed today!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon the world; we need Thy hand!
We’ve turned our backs upon Thy word,
Save us! Revive our land!

Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Upon Thy servants, revive our hearts.
We need Thy grace, Thy love, Thy pow’r,
Salvation Thy word doth impart!

Still Cause Thy face to shine, O Lord,
Cleanse us from sin, for we are enslaved.
Turn us again, your presence show
Revive us, and we shall be saved!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 19, 2006
All rights reserved.

Friday, March 17, 2006

What Joy is This!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know that God is on my side!
I shall not fail
Though storms assail
For Jesus Christ shall be my guide.
I rest in this assurance sweet
As I the trials of life meet
I commune with Jesus at His feet.
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To trust in one who cannot fail.
For Jesus Christ
Hath given life
And maketh all who ask Him well.
He gave His life on Calvary
To save and cleanse and pardon me.
I’ll praise Him for eternity
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know that God will be my stay.
And through His grace
I’ll seek His face
And I will trust Him all the way.
I will rejoice in ev’ry thing
Praise I will shout and sing
For Jesus is my Lord and King!
For this is eternal joy!

What joy is this
‘Tis happy bliss
To know my Father’s ways are best.
He shall guide me
Walk beside me
As in His holy will I rest.
That he would guide me, all I ask
Along the straight and narrow path
To show His love, complete His tasks.
For this is eternal joy!

Copyright Miriam Rainwater, March 17, 2006
All rights reserved.